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After murdering some of the doctors and nurses, they put the knife in Irene's hospital room, they gently placed the bloody knife on the table.

Meanwhile, The group of friends went to a local gas station.  Laura stopped the cars and ran in. "I nerd to buy some snacks, for the road to Camp Lakewood! Or Camp Greens." She said.

The cashier had a shocked reaction, and tried to ignore her reply , but it was hard not to, the customers had looked at her, shocked, scared..

"Camp Greens!? That place has been abandoned !" A customer shouted.

Soon all the customers started to gossip and the chattering was beginning to get more louder than usual.  Laura just ran out the gas station, weirded out since she never even knew what went down, unaware, unsafe..

Belinda asked, "Was it that quick?"

Laura shut her up, "It's uhm..nothing! Let's just go to the camp.." She started up the truck.

Once they arrived they found five counselors, nothing really unusual but there was a new owner..the camp changed drastically, the lodge was bigger but still the same two story lodge, a larger campfire, benches around the campfire, canoes by the lake, no cabin to hold the items for fun..

The sign saying "Camp Lakewood " was dried up, they could only see Lake in the sign, and it was replaced with Camp Greens..

The owner came out, "is this all the people I employed?" He questioned.

"No sir, Mr. Evans." A girl replied, she had brown hair, and round glasses, Hazel eyes.

Elizabeth had walked off, looking at the old abandoned cabins that were dusty, she took a step inside the lodge.

"Woah, it's way bigger!" She glanced around the room.

Back at the hospital, Irene had woke up and got up, stumbling out her room. She forgot to look at the knife, no nurses and doctors walking around, some rooms were unoccupied.

The police busted in the hospital and found Irene hiding.

"Here's the culprit!" A police man said.

They grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the cop car.

"It wasn't me-" She said.

After Irene's arrest, at the camp every counselor was there four other counselors, William, Aaron, Dove, and Barbara.

The owner said "the kids are coming in five days, since you guys are here, I might as well let you guys clean up the place, set up areas and everything..I'll be somewhere else, I'll come back to check. " he left in his car and drove off.

Laura asked "does anyone want to help me clean?"

Barbara replied, "yes! I will.."

Laura and Barbara left for the cabins, everyone had left to find something else to do.

In the lodge, William made himself comfortable on the couch, "Aaron, so you know Dove right? She definitely has a crush on me.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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