Chapter 2

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I have school and today I will have sent out my last college application. Sophia and Melina agreed that we will stick together for college. We had fun over the summer riding in Sophia ' s BMW red convertible while traveling to see where we could go to school. The visits were to Vassar, American University, Penn State, NYU, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, Vanderbilt University,  and Cornell. We had seen Harvard a while back and Boston College is our safety school. Mrs. Greene, my guidance councilor says I am too ambitious with my head in the clouds but this is my future.

Worst case scenario is I work for mom for a year but there again she employs me part time. Since her December issue, I have styled all of the outfits for the models for the December, February, March, June, and my first September issue. Oh yes, I am working in fashion. It may be a hard industry to break into but I have all of the connections.

Today's outfit for school consisted of my green and blue skirt, my summer weight polo shirt since it is only the second week of school, a Burberry headband, my uniform knees socks, Tory Burch shoes, my lucky charm bracelet, pearls, and my brand new Dior tote. I get dirty looks all of the time but do not care at all.

There was the jealous classmate of mine Sarah Barry during sophomore year spread a false rumor that I was doing the boys football team. It was false and all over the internet. My parents squashed that quickly and ran the Barry family out of Boston. I have standards and no, I am still a virgin. I do have self-respect.

First class was with Mr. Watson which is A.P. Government. Love this class, we get to discuss politics. It is even better with Governor Graham's son, Peter who is in my class. Governor Graham is supposed to be giving a lesson next week. I cannot wait. Maybe I might skip the fashion scene and become the first female Governor of Massachusetts. I do like politics and I can swim in the shark tank. Mom and Daddy have been teaching me how.

Mr. Watson had this look like he was plotting something. I had him last year for AP U.S. History 2. This is not good at all because that look either means a massive paper or a project. "Class, today I am assigning you all topics related to the current issues of today. You may have your own political view but you need to understand why you believe what you do and make your case for your position. This paper will be 10 pages in length and will be due right before Christmas break. Now for my first victim, MacKenzie. You will be assigned taxation. Have fun!" The rest of the topics were even worse with a chorus of groans and the taps of heads banging on desks. I could not wait to be out of class. Sophia and Melina had seats closest to the door and bolted once the bell rang. Melina looked like she was going to spit fire.

"Watson is going to do us all in. I have bloody immigration reform. He knows I came to the United States from Britain when I was 13. Maybe I should give him a taste of British politics. I am still a subject of the crown. Should I be hard line conservative or liberal? Maybe I can teach our class a thing or two about us Brits." Melina, just like Sophia are like my illegitimate sisters. Melina is the spitfire and the one with the temper and Sophia is the wise one.

"Melina, your grandfather was Prime minister and taught you all you know about the political system. Use what you know and apply it to our country. You said it yourself, you want to become the second female Prime Minister of Britain. Margaret Thatcher is your hero. Use what a politician does to convince someone of their cause and why they should support it.

Hey, at least you do not have the war on women. Watson opened a can of worms on this one. I get to talk about things that makes a man cringe like reproductive health."

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