opposites attract [Macaque]

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This is the finish piece.

From before
This is a high school AU and Macaque is a popular kid that loves the attention of others, he also isnt very kind but when he sees y/n he crushes on them and decides to try to friend them to get closer to them.

[Also y/n will be related to wukong and is also a monkey but uses a spell to look more human since they don't want others to know their the younger sibling of wukong since he's so popular and they'd rather stay a loner, they look like wukong in their monkey form with similar fur color and one golden eye while the other is (your eye color)]

Macaque, the popular kid, every girl crushed on him, and guys were jealous of how much girls swormed him, none ever liking them, which made most guys envy Macaque.

As Macaque walked through the school doors, his friend came over, who was called, sun wukong, they were best friends. Girls and guys ran and swormed them as a human walked past them quickly, catching macaques eye, they were beautiful.

After wukong and Macaque managed to get out of the crowd, Macaque decided to ask the sun about the human.

"Hey wukong, do you know a human that has (what you look like)?" He asked wukong wondering if he knew who this human that caught his attention was.

"Oh y/n yeah, I know them, their my sibling, why?" He told Macaque, but it confused Macaque. "How is your sibling a human?" He asked, wanting an answer to his question.

"Oh, they use a spell to look human so others won't know that were sibling since they prefer to be alone," he told Macaque while grabbing somethings from his locker.

Macaque nodded, listening.

[Few hours later]

Macaque saw y/n reading a book, so he walked over to them.

"Hey, I'm Macaque, and I was wondering if you want to be friends?" He asked nervously since he didn't know if he'd be rejected or not.

Y/n looked up slightly, surprised someone wanted to be friends with them and not their brother even if they knew he was best friends with their older brother.

Y/n nods, wanting to be friends but was a little shy to talk. "So your y/n right, wukong told me somethings about you," Macaque said with a nice smile, not trying to intimidate them. Y/n nods confirming what Macaque asked to be true, "y-yeah, he's my big brother.

" mhm, so what do you like to do?" He asked, not knowing what to ask.

[After a few hours]

"Oh, I have to go, brother and I are walking home, so we have to leave now," y/n said, gathering all their things, Macaque going to help.  "Oh, thank you," y/n thanked, being grateful that Macaque helped them.

Macaque blushed he thought y/n looked really cute in the moment, but he coughed to cover it up. "Well, I should go now," y/n said, and waved at Macaque as they left.

As they leave, Macaque turns and watches them waving slowly, not realizing until they leave. After they leave, Macaque stops zoning out and feels his tail wag, blushing as he thought about y/ns beautiful smile and cute laugh.
-------------- [over]

The next day at school, Macaque was looking everywhere for y/n. He seemed to want to find them, but he didn't know why. He felt a feeling telling him to go find them.  Once he finds y/n, he hugs them, making them jump in surprise.

He laughs. "Sorry, sweetie," he says, y/n blushing slightly at the nickname.

"It's fine," 

"Let's walk home," Macaque said as y/n nodded.

After they packed up, they walked home together. As they walked, Macaque looked over and blushed, y/n gave him a puzzled look.

"Yk how valentines Day is coming up? Will u be my Valentine's?" (Ik it passed, but I think it'll be cute)

Y/n smiled slightly and nodded.

The week went on by like normal until they were informed about a valentine school dance.

Macaque and y/n met up and got ready to dress up.

As they walked to the dance, y/n held onto Macaques arm. He looked down at the younger monkey and smiled. Then, leaning down and kissing their head while rubbing their 4

"It's ok, my love," he said even tho he was aware they weren't dating.

Y/n calmed down and smiled. They walked hand in hand into the place the school dance was held. They danced and smiled, laughing and having fun.


It's morning, and y/n wakes up and sees they aren't in their clothes from before. They turned their head to see Macaque enter. He smiled and gave them flowers, clothes, a note, and their favorite snack and drink.

Y/n smiled and hugged him.

They opened the note, and inside was a lot of stuff from Macaque stating stuff he loved about them to a cute romantic poem about their eyes and hair.

"Y/n pls be my lover, u hold that place in my heart that no one has opened before," he said, blushing and smiling, trying to be as confident as he could.

"What about ur reputation?" Y/n asked, making Macaque roll his eyes and tightly hug them, leaving down to their ear, saying

"They aren't special, they were always there as friends but they aren't anything compared to u, ur smart, cute, funny, amazing, perfect, absolutely charming, ur smile lights up the fire in my heart that I never knew could happen, eveytime I'm near u butterflies form and my face flushes, ur hair, eyes, face, smile, everything about u makes me flutter and happy. U bring me so much joy, something I love about u, " he says, his tail slowly swaying.

Then he looked down at y/n about to say something before getting interrupted by a kiss.

"I agree" y/n before getting lifted and spun in the air by the happy boy that loved them with all his heart.

"I'm so glad!!!" He said before kissing them.

(Sorry for being so slow 😭😭😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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