I do

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The big day was finally here. Finn was finally going to be all mine.

It had gone one year since he popped the question, and I'd waited patiently for this day to come, even though I really wanted it to come right away.

I was so nervous I could hardly breathe, but luckily, Chloe was there to help me through all my panic attacks.

"Is my dress the right dress for me? Are the flowers okay? How many have shown up?" I said as I circled the room.

"Rae, Your dress is perfect. Your hair is perfect - you are perfect! This Whole day is going to be perfect - trust me!" she hugged me. "Almost everyone that got invited has shown up. They're all waiting for you to walk down the aisle."

I could finally breathe again. But not for long, because Finn popped up in my head. I imagined him shirtless and on top of me and touching me everywhere. I blushed and got hot all over.

"Rae?" Chloe asked. "Are you alright?" I looked at her, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah, I'm fantastic! I promise!" I said, but it was a lie. A big, gigantic lie.

"Just relax and let me help you put on your makeup. Sit down and take a deep breath."

I did as she told me, but I couldn't catch my breath.

"Look, you're going to have to be calm for me to do this! We have to put on foundation and eyeshadow and mascara. And if you want me to do that, you're going to have to be calm, Rae. Please breathe calmly one time for me?" I tried, and this time I did it. She was in a motherly role to me now, so I felt like I had to. She started with the eyeshadow and mascara before she put on the foundation, topping it with a thin layer of powder.

A couple of hours later, it was ready for me to walk down the aisle. I was so nervous my whole body was shaking, and not just a little. Every hair on my head vibrated on its own. I couldn't wait to see Finn smile at me as I walked towards him. I couldn't wait to see the smiles on all my friend's and family's faces. I was so happy because I got to share my joy with them.

My sister was the flower girl and she was dressed in a peach dress with crochet details on the arms. She walked down the aisle perfectly from what I could see.

And then it was my turn.

I took a deep breath and walked through the door. Everyone stood up and watched me. My mum was taking pictures of every step I took. My shoes were difficult to walk in, so I had to step carefully or I'd be lying on the floor sobbing.

Finn looked at me with the brightest smile I'd ever seen. He was so handsome in his suit. I was so glad I was walking down the aisle towards him. It was all I'd ever dreamt of.

As the priest went "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." I spaced out. I took one look at Finn and imagined our future. How we'd wake up together in the mornings and go to bed at night. How we'd get a little dog and call it Alfie.

"Do you, Rae Earl, take Finn Hudson as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I said. I blushed really badly and felt embarrassed .

"Do you, Finn Hudson, take Rae Earl as you lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Suddenly everything that had happened to me earlier in my life didn't bother me anymore. The problems were all gone. I had him to support me now.

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