Chapter 1

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Scarlet Riddle was no ordinary girl, for 1, she was daughter of the great Voldemort  for 2 after he was killed by Harry Potter she was sent to live with the Malfoy's. 

I closed my eyes as I tightened my ponytail and thought with great joy, this year I was going to Hogwarts I would be joining the fourth years, as I spent the first three at beauxboutons. I looked in my mirror to make sure I was the picture of pureblood perfection Lucius and Narcissa would kill me if I hadn't 'we have a reputation to uphold'  I scoffed I looked once again at my reflection my long black hair tied back in a ponytail, my pale skin flawless and my bright blue eyes shining back at me.

"Get your ass up! Lucius and Draco are waiting!" Narcissa yelled in my doorway"

Bloody hell can't you knock?" I asked trying to recover from the shock of it all in response she glared and stalked out  "Draco and Lucius are waiting" I sneered in mocking voice. I walked out of my room with a slight attitude, the first thing I saw was Draco with his hair greased back and it looked so greasy it looked as though you could fry a burger on it, the thought of frying a burger on his hair made me giggle almost silently until Lucius glared at me. I  immediately ceased my laughter and glared right back sneering my lip as I did so. In the next few moments we traveled to the quidditch cup via apparition I went with Narcissa, Draco with Lucius. We wondered around a bit until we ran into the weasleys. Cornelius introduced us as if we didn't already know and loathe each other, I gave Ronald? I think it was, an apologetic glance. "Who is this young lady? She looks far to good to be with your kind" Arthur Weasley said, I looked around looking for another girl when I realized he was talking about me "this is our daughter Scarlet" Lucius sneered ignoring Arthurs other comment. I caught Ronald's eye and mouthed "help me" and grinned, he widened his eyes and smiled back. "Let's go to the top box" Draco said smirking, making sure to emphasize the top box I rolled my eyes at how pathetic he was although he seemed unfazed by this, which wasn't normal, I shrugged it off and continued walking. My seat for the quidditch cup is a seat I loathed with my entire being, I had to sit next to Draco. We knew the cup started when Mister Ludo Bagman pointed  his wand toward his throat and whispered "sonorus" 

"Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!" the crowd clapped and screamed it was the loudest I've heard in my entire 14 years of living. "And now, without further a, allow me to introduce the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!!" Draco roared beside me and started cheering I rolled my eyes 'veela'  a hundred beautiful women galavanted across the field waving and smiling in every direction men swooning, reaching out to touch them. Only men felt these ridiculous urges all the women were sitting crossly glaring at their husbands. "And now, kindly put your hands together ... For the Irish National Team Mascots" this time it was my turn to cheer leprechauns, tricky little bastards but they were hilarious and mischievous, they reminded me of myself in a way. " Now ladies and gentlemen kindly welcome--- the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I give you - Dimitrov, Ivanovna,Zograf,Levski, Vulchanov, Volkov! Aaaaaaand Krum!!!" Another eye roll. Each figure as their name was called flew onto the field in their Scarlet colored quidditch robes they were hard to miss. "And now please greet the Irish National Quidditch Team! Presenting Connolly!, Ryan! , Troy! , Mullut!, Moran!, Quigley! Aaaaaaand Lynch!". This time I cheered like a moron. The match lasted two hours, in the end Ireland won but Krum caught the snitch, and Draco owed me twenty galleons." Pay up" I said holding my hand out Draco sighed and rolled his eyes simultaneously and dropped a sack of coins in my hand, I smirked and went to go my aunt and uncle "you know the plan correct children?" Lucius said to us both not looking back at us  "yes Uncle" I said at the same time Draco said "yes Father" in that submissive tone that sounded nothing like him . The plan was to sneak from our tent silently and hide in the woods until they came to fetch us. I hated this plan as well as the reason we were using this plan I was ashamed of everything I was born into, the dark wizards, the dark lord, but , I couldn't do anything about at least not yet.

Around 11 o'clock Draco came in and shoke me awake, "get up, come on" Draco whispered. I jumped up and threw on my shoes still trying to blink sleep from my eyes. "Stay together" Lucius said I disobeyed once again, I ran in the opposite direction of draco. The screams of muggleborns chilled me to the bone, I ran the slight breeze of night ruffling my hair slightly the small twigs whipping across my face cutting it in small spots. My aunt and uncle were out there wearing masks torturing muggleborns I snapped out of my trance when I heard the voice of Arthur Weasley "we are going to help the ministry you lot get into the woods and stay together. I will come fetch you once this is all over". Multiple people ran in different directions so they definitely disobeyed that but as t long as they weren't hurt I'm sure he wouldn't care. "What happened?" I heard a small high pitched voice say I crept out of my spot underneath the underbrush and stood up she pointed her wand at me. I raised my hands "hey I'm here to help" I said anxiously "see see" I grabbed my wand out of my pocket and held it out to her, she eyes me suspiciously and took it. "Your Hermione right?" I asked "yeah.. why" she said hastily " well, I heard you are a muggleborn and I needed to warn you that their after muggleborns so I suggest you run as far and as fast away as you can don't look back because they won't hesitate, trust me". Ron looked at me and said "wait! Your the Malfoy girl right?" "In a way" I replied with a smirk the cute black haired boy whom I assumed to be Harry Potter looks at me and says sincerely"thank you" I responded with a nod and summoned my wand from Hermione's hand and walked back through all the chaos and fire I was still smiling.


A/N, hi guys welcome to my fanfic. Just a few things, can y'all try to be kind, I am 13 and I promise the writing will get better and I hope you like it well, I will see you all next time Thanks

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