Chapter 3

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The gold and Scarlet of the Gryffindor common room was far to much to take in. I found the dormitories with Hermione by my side, my trunks were already unpacked and put away "Hermione, who did this?" I said pointing to my unpacked trunk, she giggled slightly " that my dear friend was the house elves" I narrowed my eyes at the trunk "d-d-do they always do this?" honestly I was scared they found my knives. " You know" Hermione started " if you don't wanna talk about it that's perfectly fine" I sighed "shoot" "if you don't mind me asking, is the dark lord your father?" I sucked in a sharp intake of breath and then sighed "yes but you can't tell anyone please?" She looked at me and stuck out her hand "I won't" I took her hand and shook it. I laid in my bed that night and smiled to myself, Hogwarts would be a true wonder.

I was awoken by ice cold water everywhere, I sat up gasping and shivering "Hermione!!" I yelled "it's time to get up classes start in and hour" she yelled back from the bathroom toothbrush in her mouth. After I rushed to get everything around I ran out to breakfast with Hermione. "Good morning Harry Ronald" I said giving them both a grin "if you don't mind just call me Ron" I nodded when two twins both with red hair sat on either side of me "so your the new girl?" The one on right said "yep" I said taking a sip from my goblet, the pumpkin juice warming me from my head to toe. "Wicked" they said in unison I smirked knowing I'd like these two. Professor McGonagall handed out the time tables she mumbled "miss Scarlet" and handed it to me "thank you professor" I said with a little nod. "Hmm" I said as I furrowed my brows "I have mad-eye first how bout you?" They all nodded except for Ron, Ron was scarfing down a piece of sausage I scoffed at the amount of food he could eat "whataya looking at?" he said grinning "how much bloody food can you eat?" me and Harry said at the same time I whipped my head to look at him and his green eyes met mine, he blushed and looked down at his food poking it with his fork. The first class we had today was Herbology, and that went plenty fine. We had to collect bubotuber puss, it was so nasty. We then had Mad-Eye Moody for DADA. The room smelt of polyjuice potion. Harry, Hermione, Ronald and I, as well as everyone else had our books out ready to read, I guess, when Mad-Eye Moody came in his clawed, wooden foot clunking from beneath his robes. "You can put those away" he growled, stumping over to his desk and sitting down, "those book. You won't need em" everyone returned there books to their bags, Ron and I looking particularly excited. Moody them began to call out names, his magical eye looking into their soul as he called theri name, "Miss Scarlet Riddle" he grinned, he grinned a grin that made goosebumps appear all over my skin. "Well then,I've a letter from professor lupin about this class. Seems you've had a pretty thorough grounding in tackling dark creatures, you've covered bogarts, red caps,hinkypunks grindylows, kappas and werewolves correct?" everyone muttered there agreement. "But, your behind, very behind on dealing with curses" my stomach dropped as I realized what was happening next "so I'm hear to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other Ive got one year to teach you how to deal with dark-" "what aren't you staying?" Ron asked "you'll be arthur Weasleys sone eh?" Moody said "your father got me out of a very tight corner a few days ago.... Yeah I'm staying just the one year. Special favor to Dumbledore..... One year then back to my retirement" this isn't Moody I thought not really "now straight to it, curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now according to the ministry of magic, I'm  supposed to teach you the counter curses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal dark curses look like until your in your sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it till then. But professor Dumbledores got a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope, and I say the sooner you know what your up against the better. How are you supposed to protect yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who's about to put an illegal curse on you isn't gonna tell you what he's about to do. He's not gonna do it nice and polite to your face. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful. You need to that away Miss Brown when im talking. Lavender jumped and blushed . Apparently moodys eye could see through solid wood a well as the back of his head. "So... Do any of you know the curse that are most heavily punished by wizarding law" several hands shot into the air including Hermione and Ron's Moody pointed at Ron "um I think the imperious curse" "ah yes your would know the imperious curse. Gabe the ministry a lot of trouble once or twice" Moody them yelled "imperio" at a small black spider in a jar, he made to back flips and cartwheels. Everyone laughed I didnt "think it's funny do ya?" He growled "you'd like that would ya if I did it to ya?" The laughed died immediately he then went on about constant vigilance until Neville mentioned the cruciatus curse then there was a big discussion "right, anyone know any others" Hermione raised her hand, I knew what was coming what people would think "yes?" Moody said "avada kedavra" Moody looked at me with a grin like no other "well, miss Scarlet Riddle" emphasizing my last name "what do you know about the killing curse?" I dropped my books creating a lound thud and ran out of the classroom and headed to my dorm my skin still crawling from the weight of moodys gaze. 

That night was when the nightmares started. I awoke in a graveyard with the tombstone "Tom Marvolo Gaunt"  "ahh my daughter" a voice hissed, I put my hands over my ears trying to tune him out, his voice kept getting louder and louder "when I rise again you will rise with me" I felt myself starting to cry "no no no" I muttered "get-get out of my head!" I screamed I woke again this time in my dorm. I ran on dizzy, tired legs to the bathroom and gripped the sides of the sink like it was the only thing tethering me to the real world. I looked in the mirror and I saw my face then it was his and back again as though I had two faces fighting for control "no, no no no!!!" I screamed again and slammed fist into the mirror, shattering it leaving my hand pouring blood and shards of glass everywhere. I sunk to the floor and just cried, cried until Hermione came in and gasped at the scene in front of her. She grabbed me by my arms and pulled me up into a hug I let out a shuddering sigh into her shoulder  "he's coming back" I whispered into her "no he's not your fine"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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