Chapter 10

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Author's note: Hiyas! Sorry that there's suddenly a load of new characters but this'll be the last one for a while. I have tried to make up for it by writing an extra long chapter, well at least by my standards anyway. Byeyas!

~~~March 3rd-4th 2015~~~

I see two bright blue eyes blinking and staring at me through the darkness. A pair of pink lips appear beneath them. They whisper slowly, "Servant..."  I look up and see a manicured hand come towards me...

I wake up with my heart racing and beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. Charlotte has slapped me several times a day for the past week and its starting to take affect on me- psychologically. My phone rings. Am I still asleep? I pinch myself. Ow. No, I'm definitely awake. I answer the call and it's Helena. Before she says anything I ask, "Nightmare?" I hear her gulp and reply yes. I tell her to come over for a few days, she can sleep on the sofa.

"Just bring some spare clothes, your uniform, bag and any makeup you need and we'll have everything else." I tell her. I give her my address and I put down the phone. Reluctantly, I get up and clean up the clothes scattered over my bedroom floor, along with the ones on my desk. I'm almost done when I hear the doorbell.

Amy answers it and I hear her questionably say, "Hello?" I appear from behind her and invite Helena in. I introduce them and say that she'll be staying over for a few days.  Amy opens her mouth to question me but the look I give her keeps her quiet. She knows about Charlotte and I had already told her about Helena but they hadn't quite got around to meeting yet.

Amy slumps off back to her room to go back to sleep as I direct our guest to the lounge. She soon settles down and I manage to drift off, knowing that someone going through the same thing is nearby. I just wish tomorrow will never come and I will live in the world of dreams forever.

Unfortunately, even if you want something so much, not everything is possible. I wake up groggy, shuffling across my bedroom floor with my back twisted in pain. Turns out having only two hours of undisturbed sleep whilst laying on my arm isn't good enough. I groan heavily when I reach up to get the cereal out the cupboard. My bones clicking with every flex.

Miraculously, I am able to pull on my uniform and wake up Helena. Whilst she is getting ready, I perch on the edge of my bed and stare at my mirror. What did I do to anger Charlotte? I think back to my first day, when I met the devil. I wasn't rude or vain or an overachiever. I was average. Maybe I was just... too average.

When Helena is finished, we both set out the house. Together, I feel stronger, as if Charlotte cannot hurt two of us at once. There is only one flaw to this plan of staying together- we work on different floors. I mean Helena can't cook from the rooms and likewise with me in the kitchens. In the end, I stay with Jess throughout the day, assisting her to postpone going solo.

At about noon, I am trudging behind Jess as she pushes her trolley. I am following her with one of my own to seem like I am working separately, when I notice that there is a loose thread on the edge of my skirt. Knowing staff uniform is required to be as neat as possible, I pull my cart aside to cut off the thread. As I do so, a young woman walks into me. Let me describe this girl to you. She looked like another model wannabe, with orange skin, blonde highlights and fake eyelashes the size of a forest glued above her bright blue eyes. Also, she was yapping down her phone to some guy about a new dress. I think his name was Wok? I have no idea.

As soon as she stubs her manicured toe against my trolley- the one that I had purposefully pushed against a wall to let others go past- she glares at me. Her icy blue eyes pierce at my skin and I shiver with fear. That woman's look made me more frightened than Charlotte's abuse. At least I made a friend out of Charlotte's situation! As she flounces off, I hear her say her name into the phone.

Faye. Faye Blackman.

Her name echoes through my mind as if it were a distant memory. I shrug it off and carry on after Jess. I have enough bitches playing with my mind right now, I don't really want to follow after another one. No thanks. Anyway, she's only a guest judging by her lack of uniform so after next week, I'll never have to see her again. All is good.

Housekeeping: A Tom Cassell/The Syndicate Project Fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now