vidcon day 3

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No ones pov

Gray was the first to wake up, Wilbur faced towards gray and his hand was thrown over gray, sam, and kat were holding each other still fast asleep, Colby was lying on his stomach holding the pillow he slept peacefully, but y/n was fully awake, their brain was not letting them fall back asleep, she had a bad dream, maybe it was a vision, she hoped it wasn't. She carefully stood up and went to the kitchen reading the time on the clock, it read 7am, she sighed and went to her room, changing into some normal clothes, she couldn't decide on either writing about the dream or going to the wooded area near the outer part of town which wasn't too far away if she left she would leave a note. So she decided to go to the woods, hoping to be back before everyone woke up, she grabbed some jars and put them in a small backpack, she went back downstairs and wrote a note saying where she was and she will be back soon, placing the note on the coffee She took a few steps forward and turned around and looked at Gray, should she tell them where she's going, she knew Gray and her shared a Life360 so at any point Gray could look and see where she is but still, she then turned and looked at Colby, his face was softer in his sleep, his breathing was slow and he looked comfortable, both her blanket and his thrown to the side which made her cover him with one, She went to the kitchen grabbed a couple of snacks and some water, placing them inside her backpack she walks to the front door, leaving the apartment and going to her car. Her car is set in the same parking spot as yesterday, the purple paint shining in the sunlight, getting into the car and turning it on the car roared to life, this was the first car she bought a Ford Mustang, however, it wasn't a newer Mustang it was a hot rod Mustang. Many people complimented the car, she used to put it in car shows and honestly, she missed doing that. She began to drive away and soon enough she arrived at the wooded area, the wooded area was actually a park technically but it was mostly wooded with a pond near the entrance. Parking she left the car and checked her phone, it read 7:15, she would be in and out as her anxiety wasn't great. She went deeper into the forest finding small rocks and little mushrooms, she collected quite a bit and after filling all the jars she brought she began to head back, small footsteps followed, she turned and saw nothing, walking faster, if it was a spirit she would know but this wasn't a spirit, she held her keys in her hand and her car was in sight, she began running, opening the door and getting inside locking the door she looked out the window, there stood at the treeline was a creature, she knew that creature, tall and dark fur covered it, its wings where closed but puffed, the red eyes watched her, she started the car and hurried home. She got home and hurried to her apartment, quietly opening the door she peeked inside, Wilbur and gray sat in the kitchen, they smiled as they talked, everyone else was still asleep. She went to the kitchen and put her back on the counter opening it and taking the jars out, the three of them looked at the things y/n collected and she put them in their respective spots in her room. Coming back from her room she saw Colby stir, he slowly sat up and yawned wiping his eyes, they said good morning to each other and finally, sam and kat woke up, she told them if anyone needed a shower they could use hers, Colby took that opportunity and thanked her, she showed him to the bathroom and she gave him some towels, Colby just decided on wearing the same clothes as he had too. When everyone was done doing morning routines, y/n let kat use her makeup, and they decided on breakfast, wilbur never went to a Dennys so that's where they went, entering the restaurant they seated and ordered. Wilbur got the waffles and bacon and so did y/n, everyone else got the normal eggs and bacon, they sat and talked about the con later and what they have planned, when y/n realized that after the con, it will just be her and gray left, Wilbur has to go back to the UK and well she realized she didn't know how long sam and Colby where staying so she asked, week and a half sam answered, y/n looked down frowning a little and Colby noticed and asked, she spoke about her walk earlier in the day and the creature she saw, kat gasped lightly and sam spoke "no way, that's crazy, maybe if you guys are up to it later after con we can go investigate" kat shook her head and gray politely declined, the two decided on staying at y/ns while they do that, Wilbur thought it was a cool idea so he was in but he had to catch his flight home so he couldn't go, and that was settled, sam and Colby, and y/n  would go investigate after the con. The food came and they ate in peaceful silence, y/n had an odd feeling about going but swallowed it down and finished eating. After eating they all drove to the con and checked in, y/n made another short video for the con and explained today's plans, she would sit at the booth for a while, then get lunch and eat it, after lunch, she would walk around until the panel and after that, she said it was a secret. She ended the video and quickly posted it, Colby, y/n and Gray went to set up the booth, and Gray watched the booth while y/n and Colby walked around and bought a couple of things. 

y/n pov

After a while of walking, we separated ways and I went back to the booth but I noticed a familiar person and my heart dropped to my ass, the dread came over me and I ran behind the booth ducking underneath it, Gray asked me what I was doing and I could barely speak "he's here", gray looked around and noticed him too, gray rolled their eyes and waited for him to be out of sight before telling me the coast was clear, I was panicking now, how was I supposed to do my panel if he was gonna be there, gray tried to calm me down and eventually I did and lunch rolled around, I let gray grab lunch and Wilbur came over to eat with gray while I went to eat with Colby and sam. I sat down at the table next to Colby and I noticed Sam's eyes were locked behind me, I waved my hand in front of him and he looked at me apologizing "You good Sam?" I ask with a half smile, "Yeah there was this dude that was staring at you and then he looked at me and neither of us looked away, I mean he's gone now" Sam says and my smile falters for a moment and neither seemed to notice, I knew it was Xander, that's his name, he's tall with medium length blond hair and he usually wears oversized clothing, it's hard not to notice him. I continued eating but my appetite was gone. Even the thought of being in the same room as him makes me want to cry but knowing he is actually here and has seen me is horrifying, What if he gets the wrong idea about one of the boys and tries something, I shudder at the thought and Colby noticed offering me his sweater if I was cold, I was to distracted and said sure so he handed it to me and I wasn't gonna say anything so I just put it on, maybe Xander would back off if he thinks me and Colby are dating. Kat came over and sat next to Sam, at this point I was too spaced out to notice so I came to with Sam waving his hand in front of my face calling my name, "Hey welcome back, where did you go" he chuckled, "I was thinking sorry, I gotta get going and get ready for my panel, i don't wanna be late I'm sorry" standing up I don't stop to answer any questions and I go straight to the backstage area, hiding in one of the bathrooms for the thirty minutes I had before the panel, I really didn't want to go on, what if he's in the crowd, what if I panic and pass out, it's gonna be bad, but I can't let down my fans, I have to do it. My phone kept dinging and it was everyone else asking either where I was or if I was okay, Gray texted me telling me that Xander asked where I was, however, Gray didn't tell him where I was thankfully, the stage manager told me I have one minute before I have to go on stage so I gather myself and wait in the wings for my name to be called. I walk on stage and the crowd cheers, smiling I'm glad the lights block mostly everyone's faces so I can't tell if he's even in the crowd. I can definitely see my friends in the front row but that's really it, this panel was mainly questions and stories, I told a couple of stories about some adventures I haven't posted or childhood stories that were funny. Answering a couple of fan's questions I nearly collapsed when Xander walked up to the mic and spoke, My mouth went dry and I nervously chuckled, "Hello y/n, I have a question if you could answer it for me" he said with a sly look, I take a second to reply telling him to precede, "me and the other fans wanna know If you have a special someone, or if you are up for grabs", I nearly choke on his question and I can see Colby's eyes get dark and I can tell he wants to strangle him, Gray held the same look, it made me feel better "well I can't say who but yes, yes I do" except I don't, it was a lie and the look on his face was priceless, the fans cheered with ooo's and ah's, chuckling I asked for a new fan to ask a question and he stomped away upset, breathing a sigh of relief I finished the panel and said goodbye, going backstage so breathe, Colby was already back their waiting for me, "who the fuck was that dude that asked you that question" Colby's eyes where still kinda dark, "well that was my ex actually, thats the guy that Sam locked eyes with at lunch" I looked down, "oh yeah im definitely not letting him anywhere near you for sure, also you better hope he bought that terrible lie you said about you being taken, you suck at lying" Colby laughed and i punched his arm laughing back. "Am not, it was a panic lie so duh" Chuckling I walk out into the hallway and meet the rest of the gang. The rest of the day was filled with fans and food, and the occasional avoidance of Xander, It was fun, we closed up shop at the con and went back to my place to prepare for later tonight, when we were going to investigate. We ate dinner and watched a movie, saying goodbye to Wilbur and dropping him off at the airport. Finally, 10 pm rolled around and it was time.

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