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Warning: Harsh Words are inserted so if you are a little girl who is addicted to MLP, leave now please before you'll learn

J: so their accounts here are done.

Party Pinky- check (pinky pie)

Awesome Dashie- check (rainbow dash)

Smart Twily- check (Twilight Sparkle)

Pretty Rarity- check (Rarity)

Sweet Fluttershy- check (FS)

Friendly Applejack- check (AJ)

Ponies now a day have computers and stuff and the 6 are enjoying it.

Awesome Rainbow Dash added you to this conversation.

They all see in their notifications. Twilight opened it and replied.

Smart Twily: Dashie, what is this?

AwesomeDash: What the frek Twilight. A chatboxt. Are you stupid? That's why every one of them started to make fun of you at the Chapter 'Meet Them'

SmartTwily: How did you know?

AwesomeDash: Wattpad Duh. I saw them. Our Friends, the Readers. And The author!

SmartTwilight: -_-  seen by Applejack, Rainbow Dash and J

FriendlyAJ: Why am I here?

Awesome Rainbow Dash:  uhh.....Your my friend?

Friendly Applejack: I just had a break from workin' I only have 5 minutes left. AJ is out Peace!

Friendly Applejack left this conversation

Pretty Rarity: Hi girls!

Party Pinkie: Hello everyone! Who wanna parteh!

Sweey Fluttershy: Hi :)

Smart Twilight: Hey Guys! So what are you guys doin'?

Party Pinkie: Just baking cupcakes. Oh Sh*t!! (I know pinkie is too friendly to say a hard langguage. Sorry!) They burned!!! Talk to you later! After the parteehhh!

Pinkie Pie left this conversation

Smart Twily: Huh. Has anyone realized our names?

Awesome Dashie: Yeah! Miss Author Rocks! My username totally fits me!

Sweet Fluttershy: Yes!

Smart Twily added  Party Pinky and Friendly Aj to this conversation

Smart Twily: Did you guys heard that? Fluttershy yelled!

Sweet Fluttershy: I.. I.....

Sweet Fluttershy left this conversation.

Smart Twily: She was shy.

Awesome Dashie: Yeah I know..

When they were talking, guess who's in J's room

J: searching.... ugh! Why you-

???: Hey J!

J: aah! Spike! You scared me!

Spike: Just wanted to ask you a favor * puppy eyes

J: okay. Since it's my birthday, ill give you two favors.

Spike: Yes!!! Okay. First, add me to twilight's group convo.

J: okay.

J added spike in a group chat of Awesome Dashie and 5 others

Spike: Thank you! *hugs J

J: Okay! I cant breath!

Spike: *Lets go of J. Sorry. For my second, give me the power to hack everyones account..

J: You sure? Okay then..

Pretty Rarity: I'm back with our suits for the hangout!

Party Purply: The Cupcakes are ready! Fluttershy is already here!

Smart Twilight--- The movie: Party Purply?

Awesome Rainbow Crash: hahaha! The twilight movie? You mean the vampires. Bitch please. You can't hack my account.

Party Purply: Good thinf the other three are not here! AJ will burst! FS can cry and Rarity can't accept if someone calls her ugly.

ARC: Someones hacking our accounts!

Twilight the movie: Spike!!!! How'd you get in here

Handsome Spike: Hahahaha! J helped me

The 3: J!!!!!!

J: Whut?

Rainbow Crash: Did you help him

J: sort of??

Twilight the movie: Oh you are totally gonna get it. Let's change out names!

5 mins.

Awesome Dashie: Finally back to normal. J is soooo gunna get it.

J: Hey i heard that! Why me not Spike? I just said what he asked.

Smart Twily: Okay. Spike is sooo gonna get it.

Pretty Rarity: Darlings! Let's go now to my place! Pinky, bring the cupcakes please?

Party Pinky: Yeah!.

Smart Twily: Lezzgo then!!

Friendly AJ: Guys I'm back!

Party Pinky left this conversation

Smart Twily left this conversation

Pretty Rarity left this conversation

Awesome Dashie left this conversation

Friendly Aj: -_- Darn! I just got apple cyder!

J: You should bring it! They went to rarity's.

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