Chapter 1-Confusion

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Just a few weeks ago a family member was lost in the Shoro family. It was Veve, a sweet grandmother who'd offer her grandchildren sweets and snacks(totally not homophobic nenek).The other family members were devastated as Veve had a huge impact to their life.

Until one night where it all goes wrong..
It was 3 am,every person in the house sleeps soundly until a vase shattered unknowingly.The pet, cat started to meowed loudly and acting weird. Which made Crystal woke up in shock.

The cat meowed loudly that it echoes throughout Crystal's room.

"What is it..... Pandan??" half asleep,she said as the cat meowed more and turned into another direction indicating that it's trying to lead somewhere.Crystals shrugged then followed the cat despite being half asleep.

Roro woke up hearing her baby's cries and started to carry her to calm her down. While doing that she made her way to get milk to feed her crying baby. Just a few minutes later she hears shoutings.

"UGH YOU--------"

"----G-T POS--ED!!"

"---Y UP H---E!, -----"

"What the hell" is the only thing on Roro's mind as she heard the shoutings. Yet she shrugged and continues feeding sol milk.

~part one end~

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