School (1/2)

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While Missy was sleeping I went outside to test my abilities. I figured out no-one can see me but people who believe I'm there. I also figured out if I hold something only I can see it and others that can see me. People can go through me and I can go through walls. I went back in side to find the clock at 24:36 (12:36 pm). Missy was still asleep and I saw her stuff in a mess. So I decided to clean and organized the stuff.

 After I was done I decided to make her a lunch for school. A ham sandwich, apple, juice, chocolate and, a bag of chips. When I placed them in the box I closed it and put it in the fridge. By the time I was done the sky was a rose, purple, yellow blur. It was 6:11 am. Missy was gonna be late if I didn't wake her up in time.

 Waking Missy up I gave her some toast with strawberry jam. She got her clothes on, ate breakfast and, got her stuff ready. I gave Missy her lunch and she asked, "Am I not getting moldy bread today?" Immediately I gave Missy her name tag for school and pretended not to hear that sent her to school on the bus. Hopefully she'll be ok.


I woke up feeling hungry. Misty was shaking me gently so I opened my eyes thinking something is wrong. She wrote "school" in the air with the Mist all over her.I knew I had a field trip and I'm always left there. One time a kid told me aren't you supposed to be in the pig exhibit because I'm "fat, useless, and ugly" those words sat in my head for days. I didn't want to go to school I didn't want it to happen again but, Misty is trying to help so I did what she told me too. 

I got some toast with jam which I was surprised mommy usually says, "YOU DON'T DESERVE FOOD YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BITCH!" I didn't understand all of the words like bitch. But mommy was yelling so left her alone. I knew there was going to be no food but, when I got food it was moldy bread. Before I went out the door Misty gave me a lunch box. I was confused cause I usually got a small bag with wet, moldy II bread in it.

 I then ask,"Am I not getting moldy bread today?" Misty probably didn't hear me because she then gave me my name tag for school and sent me on the school bus.

3rd POV:

The bus was filled with screams from kids laughing and talking on the bus. Missy sat down in seat 6 no-one sat around there because they thought Missy was weird. One of the kids dumped there water bottle on her. It was filled with cold cranberry juice and it was a breezy day so that didn't help.

One of the kids, Avery was quiet and never talked no-one noticed her because she is 'invisible' to everyone except Missy. She actually envied her no-one talked to her, bully, harassed or even looked at her. We got to the school and everyone went off the bus.

Ok finally done with 548 words lets go

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