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"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."

R I D D H I M A 

After the chaotic situation with the media, I worked with my legal team to calm things down. While their help did alleviate the situation to some extent, it's well-known that people might not read about it again, but they won't forget what they read. The only way to make them forget these baseless rumors is by proving them wrong. 

Before I could leave for my business trip, I had to schedule a meeting with my board members as they were concerned about the situation the company was in. Well, they were not wrong to be concerned, but I didn't know how to answer them after everything that had happened. 

"Mam, they will be here in 10 minutes, and the boardroom is ready," Nisha, my assistant, informed me. "Looks like I have to deal with this," I let out a long sigh.

As soon as I entered the room, everyone stood up from their places, which was not unusual to me as people respected me. But seeing these people stand up in front of me, I didn't feel proud, it felt like I didn't even earn what I was getting right now. 

"Good morning everyone," I said, trying to keep the disappointment from showing on my face. "I understand that you've been requesting a meeting with me, and I'm here to address your concerns. Please, let's discuss what's been troubling you."

Mr. Aggarwal, one of the board members, wasted no time in getting straight to the point. "We can't ignore the fact that our company's reputation has been damaged due to recent events, and we've also been hit hard in the stock market. It's clear that we need to take action to turn things around. What do you propose we do, Riddhima?" 

I took a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure. "I understand your concerns, Mr. Aggarwal. But let me assure you that I am doing everything in my power to handle the situation. The rumors are baseless and we will prove it soon enough."

"We don't have time for your assurances, we need concrete action!" Ms. Sharma, another board member, interjected.

I could suddenly feel the weight of the situation. I knew that my position as CEO was on the line, and with it, the future of the company that's when i decided to take a more direct approach. "I'm working with my team to investigate the source of these rumors and take legal action if necessary. We are also coming up with a plan to improve our reputation in the market. But I need your support and trust in this process."

The board members exchanged looks, seemingly considering my words. After a few moments of silence, Mr. Aggarwal spoke up. "We will give you some time to handle the situation, but we expect to see progress soon. Our faith in you is hanging by a thread, Riddhima."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Thank you for your time. I will keep you updated on the progress." With that, the meeting ended, i was left feeling both relieved and anxious.

I knew that some board members had never been happy with my appointment as CEO, and now they had a reason to question my leadership. I needed to prove myself and show them that I was capable of handling the pressure and bringing the company back to its former glory.


 Today i am leaving to NYC in hopes that i can crack a lucrative deal for our company, it was going to be a tough deal as the CEO of the company i might be making a deal with is my former nemesis when i had my own company, and boy! did he hate my guts and everything i did.

But I couldn't let personal grudges come in the way of the company's success. I had to focus on the deal at hand and put all my efforts into making it work. As I boarded the plane, I felt a sense of nervousness and excitement at the same time. It was a new challenge, and I was ready to take it on.

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