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This story takes place in the year 1867

Evangeline is her name. She sure is a stubborn girl, yet very beautiful. With her blue eyes like the sea, mild, yet unpredictable. As the blue winter sky and the ocean in the spring. Her eyes were flawless just like the sky. And her honey blonde hair that fell just above her waist.

She is the princess of crystal hill. A small kingdom, yet quite a popular one. Because of the secrets it held, Though of course. You'll find out about those later.

Crystal hill is a beautiful kingdom, surrounded by a beautiful lake with fish of all kinds, Evangeline enjoyed watching the lake through her bedroom window. It was beautiful to her how the sun reflected off the waves. She loved to watch the ducks swim around together, the birds diving into the water in search of their next meal, the turtles resting on the land soaking up the sun.

Evangeline's mother, Queen Gwendolyn. Was a very caring and loving mother, With green eyes, The green trees of the Amazon are nothing compared with the green of her eyes, they are bright and beautiful. Both as a clover in autumn. Her hair same as her daughters. It shined like gold in the sunlight.

Her father, King Rufus. Was a strict father, though he loved his daughter more than anything in This messed up and twisted world. He would do anything to protect her. Him and his daughter shared the same eyes, though his eyes were almost as if they pierced right through you. Unless you were his daughter of course otherwise you would see nothing but love and affection.

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