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Life is an ocean. Ever changing, always moving.

Princess Evangeline was awoken by the knocking of the maid on the door to her bedroom.

"Princess, I am here to dress you.", called the maid through the large oak door.

"Come in!", Evangeline replied, kicking the covers off from her legs as she sat up in her large bed. Stretching and yawning as she did so.

The maid walked to her bed side and helped Evangeline hope out of bed. She flinched as her bare feet hit the cold hard floor. The maid was quick to unbotton the back of her nightgown and help her slip out of it and into her day dress.

"Thank you.", Evangeline chimed. The maid nodded, curtsied and went on her way to do the work she had left to do.

Evangeline walked down the gorgeous hallways, gazing at the paintings that hung on the walls of crystal hills castle. She smiled to herself when she came upon the family portrait. Her smile faltered as she remembered the events that took place after it had been finished. She shook off the thoughts and headed into the dining room for breakfast with her parents.

"Mother, Father.", Evangeline curtsied as she walked into the room and took the seat that was awaiting her.

"Ah, Evangeline. I've been waiting for you, we have some exciting news!", The king beamed at his daughter waiting for her reply.

"What is it father?", Evangeline asks.

"We have some guests, whom I think you'd like to see after so long.", The King reply's playing with his beard.

"Guests? Who?", Evangeline questions, raising her eyebrows.

"King Thomas, Queen Aurelia and Prince Laurence.", The Queen chimes in, smiling warmly at her daughter.

Evangeline returns the smile and nods at her parents. "Oh my goodness, we must have been around ten the last time we saw each other.", Evangeline recalls his messy black hair and emerald green eyes.

"You two were very good friends, I remember that.", her mother smiles brushing a hair away from her eye.

"What time will they be arriving?", Evangeline questions, flicking her eyes to her father.

"Today at two o'clock", The King answers, turning his attention back to his food.

"Will they be attending the ball tonight?", She raises her eyebrows, hopeful for the answer to be yes so she can have some time to catch up with her old friend.

"Yes, they will be", answers her mother. "Oh! I almost forgot! I ordered you a new dress from the seamstress for the ball tonight. I had the maid lay it on your bed."

"Oh, mother! Thank you!", Evangeline exclaims, standing up from her seat and rushing up to her bedroom.

She gasps as she takes in the sight of her dress, it was a beautiful blue grey, with flower designs. she smiled widely taking the delicate material into her finger tips. Oh she was so excited for the ball tonight.

"Evangeline! Our guests are here!", Her father calls from the entry hall.

Evangeline stands up from the sofa in the parlor and takes a quick glance at herself in the mirror before heading into the entry hall to greet the guests.

She smiled at Lawrence but the smile was not returned. Something had changed in him, he didn't seem as friendly, his stare was cold and harsh, it was like he stared right through you. She shook it off and went to hug his mother.

"Don't mind him dear, he's just going through some tough stuff right now.", Queen Aurelia smiles warmly and went to go hug Evangeline's mother.

It was 6:00, finally time to get ready for the ball. Evangeline was beyond excited. She invited her friend, Lady Emilia. Those two were inseparable.

They did their hair together but dressed in separate rooms.

The maid carefully picked up the dress from its place on the bed and carefully unbuttoned the back, and helped Evangeline step into it.

One she caught a sight of herself in the mirror in her beautiful new dress she smiled at how beautiful she felt I'm that moment. Which was short lived when she gasped and saw a figure standing in the corner next to the bedpost.

"Lawrence!", she exclaims bringing her hand up to her mouth. "Were you watching me change?!"

He just smirks and reply's, "why would I? You have small boobs anyways."

She smacks his arm hard, causing him to flinch. "Get out of my room before I scream!", she exclaims.

He simply shrugs his shoulders and walks out of the room, and into the room across the hall. her mother would be hearing of this, he would be forced to move rooms probably. Which wasn't a problem with Evangeline, she wanted him as far away from her as she could get him.

The ball...

The guests were finally arriving, Evangeline and Emilia were waiting patiently by the dance floor talking and laughing and waiting for somebody to ask them to dance.

Evangeline felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and inwardly groaned when she met the eyes of Lawrence.

"Princess, may I have this dance.", He asks, offering his arm for her.

She looks away from him for a second and meets her mothers eyes, her mother makes a face and mouths 'say yes'. Great, she has no choice now. She can't disobey her mother.

She looks back into Lawrence's big green eyes and nods, He smiles and leads her out to the middle of the dance floor. Twirling her around and bringing her closer to him.

He leans down and whispers into her ear, "Why have you been Avoiding me Evangeline?",

"I don't believe you'd be looking for the person that was hiding in the corner of the room while you were getting dressed now would you?", She glared at him and 'accidentally' stepped on his foot

"Ouch, Shit!", He exclaimed, biting his lip to keep from shouting at her.

"I'm sorry," she pouted, "I'm so clumsy.", her pout couldn't hide the smirk that was forming.

"You're a very good liar also.", He says, smiling at her. before his eyes went wide and there was a loud bang and screaming and everything went black .

Hey y'all!! I hope that you're enjoying it! It's a little bit rough since I'm getting used to writing but I'm hoping to get better at it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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