Sign-Off Intrusion (Case 2)

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(This one's gonna get reeeeeal angsty. Trigger warning for death and suicide.)

(Stephanie POV)

I ran out of my house at full speed.

I didn't bother turning off the TV in my bedroom.

I noticed my parents watching the broadcast still in the living room, starting to come around.

I barreled down the street, heading for Ken's house.

All I could do was hope.

Hope he was just unconscious.

Hope that it was just a glitch on the TV.

Hope he was still alive.

Desperately, I hammered on Kennith's door, begging, pleading.

"Kennith! Are you in there?"

"Kennith! Can you hear me?"

"Ken, please, God, answer me!"


After a lot of trying, I sank to the ground, utterly defeated.

Tears flowed down my cheeks in streams.

The neighbours who heard my yelling came out to see me.

A few of them were already crying, and they just cried more when they saw me.

After a short while, a couple of police cars and an ambulance arrived.

I couldn't bear to see his body, laid out on the stretcher, and covered with a white sheet.

There was a pool of blood left from where he laid.

I watched as a girl was walked out of the garage with a police officer.

Neither of us said anything, but a thousand words were shared through a single glance.

I looked at her with a feel of anger.


I looked at her with a look that said, "I know you did it.

I know you were the one who drove him to that.

He would have never pulled a criminal stunt like that.

I know you killed him, you asshole."

I couldn't pin down what her look said, but she looked back at the floor after I looked at her.

Everyone left after that.

Except for me.

I was just left there, sobbing on the doorstep of my one true friend's house.

A police officer walked up to me.

"Excuse me, are you Stephanie Glass?"

I was too choked up to speak, so I just nodded.

"I'm terribly sorry, but you're needed for questioning back at the station."

I didn't say a word.

I just stood up.

It was better to go along than to fight it.

Neither of us spoke during the ride in the police car.

He understood I was upset.

I just pulled my knees up to my chest and cried.

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