The gc begins

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Shark boy added angry Pomeranian and 9 others

Shark boy: HEY GUYS

Angry Pomeranian: the fuck is this shit


Angry Pomeranian:shur it 4 eyes

Stupid idiot: shur it

Angry Pomeranian changed Iida's name to 4 eyes.

4 eyes: very funny

Icy THOT: that was not very funny

NERD!!!: why is your name icy THOT Todoroki?

Icy THOT: ...why is your name nerd Midoriya?

Broke bitch: I have a feeling Bakugou is behind this

Broke bitch: BROKE BITCH?????

Angry Pomeranian: dunce face came up with that one

Enlarged earlobes: I tried to stop him

Rich bitch: JIROU!!!

Broke bitch: RICH BITCH????

Enlarged earlobes: MOMO!!!

Pink fiend: can guys get a room ... and add me in it

Frog face: sleepover?

Pink fiend: no.

Enlarged earlobes: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

4 eyes: I am sensing that these are not very school
appropriate conversations that are being discussed right now

Shark boy: you're a genius iida

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