Qiqi Lore

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Qiqi has no facial expressions because he is a zombie. She hopes that's all right. She may appear to be a walking corpse, but she is remarkably flexible due to a genetic mutation. A strict calisthenics regimen is required. Her memory is bad. She forgets easily, which is why she can appear cold to others. Her presence is for ever and frozen at the time of her death, so estimating her age is difficult. Zombies must be given orders in order to act. but for some reason or another Qiqi is currently giving another. herself makes the decision. Zombies are typically cold and stiff, forcing them to move by hopping. As a result, Qiqi maintains a calisthenics regimen in order to maintain a human-like form. Hu Tao, the 77th-generation General manager of a Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, sees no point in all of this. "It would be simpler simpler for you to simply let me bury you," she says whenever she sees Qiqi. Qiqi, of course, does not want to be buried, so she performs her workouts at evening when no one is around. Qiqi's memory lags significantly. Those with a non-undead disposition. When she does not strengthen her imprints of anyone, she will neglect people in three days at most. But then who knows, this could be a good thing for someone who has painful memories. The individual Qiqi must remember the one most... don’t only does she have a likable personality, but she also appears every day. As a result, Qiqi is unconcerned regarding her poor memory. Qiqi appears to be a small person, and she's a very potent zombie. Her small height is not an impediment, but rather an advantage for fast movement. Throughout combat, Qiqi will lose her usual self-control, letting her body to revert to a darkspawn nation, rising her speed and strength. "You're no longer alive." Qiqi will regain control of her muscles when she has impassively defeated her enemies. restoring her normal state She has previously been threatened by Jewel Gluttons while picking herbs alone. A little girl on her own does seem like an obvious mark, doesn't it? Who'd have guessed that the this girl might send an entire crew flying? It's important to always keep in mind not to evaluate someone based solely on their outward look. For that matter, a zombie as well. "In order to move, zombies typically need commands from of the person who awakened them. Yet, Qiqi has never actually been woken. She is therefore an extremely unusual example of a zombie that can command itself. Qiqi has little trouble carrying out these orders, even if they are straightforward ones like "destroy the enemy." Yet, when given challenging directives like "go over to Jueyun Limestone cliffs, scale the sheer rock walls, and harvest herbs," Qiqi occasionally finds herself stuck under the rocks, being unable let up regardless of how so many times she attempts and fails to ascend the cliff. Simple steps to reject her orders include giving Qiqi a backwards hug and saying something like "I adore you more than anything, so the commands will vanish instantly. Sadly, Baizhu's efforts lack any genuineness, which significantly lowers the effectiveness of his efforts. Maybe one day it will go along who knows that such words should not be spoken carelessly and who will help her free the control that Qiqi's commands have over her gently but surely. What will then be Qiqi's response? The mortals have long since forgotten this fable. Qiqi, a regular herb-picking lass, got lost and trespassed into the adepti's domain. She quickly sought refuge in a cave to recover after falling and breaking her right leg. Even though she was focused on dressing her wound, she was able to hear noises that did not originate from the mortal dimension. Yet she could never have imagined that after a terrible crash, she would be stuck between the two worlds forever. No matter if they were adepti or demons, good or evil, they all saw that she was a helpless mortal caught up in the melee. She might have gotten a Vision in her final moments through the intervention of heaven, which would have put an end to the conflict of adepti and demon. Each adepti gave her some portion of their might in an effort to give her body new life as they could never bear to see her go. In fact, Qiqi awoke and came back to life, but she was unable to manage the adepti energy that was rushing through her and fell into a berserk state. Mountain Shaper seemed to have no option but to encase the unfortunate girl in amber in order to put an end to the commotion. Qiqi was found by humans after hundreds of years, still imprisoned in the amber, and he was taken to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor for burial. Yet, the amber was jostled around due to the dangerous mountain routes. The seal on Qiqi was nearly spent after many years had passed. She sneakily shattered the amber when she awoke in the middle of the night and then left. Qiqi immediately headed for the hills, carrying on the herb-picking customs of her former existence. By chance, she ran into Baizhu, the owner of Bubu Pharmacy, who took her in. Although Baizhu was a highly skilled doctor, he was not a person of distinction or remarkable courage. She could not even distinguish between different medicines due to her bad memory, yet he nevertheless took her in. It does appear that his decision to accept Qiqi had to do with his own personal objectives. Qiqi has long known that she is stiff but not slow. She does not, however, let it affect her. She may have seen too much. or spent too much time alone. Yet regardless of whether he has another reason for being concerned, she still values it. Qiqi is seen carrying what appears to be a notebook. Due to Qiqi's terrible memory, it is essential for her to have this item in order to carry out her everyday activities without incident. The writing within is incredibly exquisite and follows a centuries-old tradition. A calisthenics tutorial is on the first page. After that, one can find several "orders" and descriptions of different herbs. Qiqi needs to give herself commands, so she has clear instructions to make the shift go smoothly. She has also diligently listed what she needs to do each day. Recently, she also included a section on mnemonic devices and "brain training." At this point, it truly serves as a "dummy's guide to everything." Yet, if the time ever comes when Qiqi neglects to check her notepad as well, there will be absolutely nothing that can be done. She received Qiqi's Vision in the final seconds of her life. She wished she could turn back time. She desired to resume living joyfully. She dreaded dying. She wished to endure. She yearned for her family. Finally, the feelings came together to form "ice." "How lovely would it be if I could stop time?" The young girl's eyes began to well up with tears as she considered the Vision that had come in front of her. The great and illuminated adepti all recognized this as an acceptable type of "illumination"—after all, humanity's nostalgia for the past stems from a wish to preserve that history.

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