Bennett lore

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In the Adventurers' Guild, Mondstadt Branch, Benny's Adventure Team stands out from the crowd. Initially, the requirement that each team have at least three or four regular members was put in place to encourage cooperation and prevent mishaps. Yet, Bennett has been the only consistent member of Benny's Adventure Team. Bennett's infamous bad luck is essentially the only factor in the absence of team members. Bennett, however, never feels alone because of the ardent adventurer he is. Okay, maybe once or twice, maybe... The first victim of Benny's Adventure Team was the intrepid Jack. A very unusual Geo Turbulence that tore the ground apart and revealed a gaping chasm in front of everyone occurred just a few feet from the treasure. Like love, so close yet so far away. Although Jack only sustained minor wounds, he was never the same adventurer again. He appeared to have a broken heart as a result of the incident. Another participant, Royce, heard a "Heyo!" cry before collapsing in a massive explosion. Klee, the offender, was sentenced to seven days in solitary jail for blowing up the tunnel the intrepid explorers were still exploring. Soon after joining the squad, Heckler experienced a severe case of diarrhea that lasted for a week. He insisted it was Bennett's misfortune, even though it turned out to be food sickness. "They will return! They're simply on vacation. Please do not invalidate my team's Guild registration." Katheryne sighed as she watched Bennett grovel and beg before her, and she made the decision to spare him the knowledge that his "teammates" had long since deserted the ship. There there existed a situation of unfathomable anguish. A situation that had almost engulfed an experienced explorer. His flesh was burned by the scalding flames, his eardrums nearly burst from the thunder, and his soul was in danger of being torn from him by the howling winds. What he found at the conclusion of his torturous journey was a baby. The elderly explorer believed he was the first living thing to survive this trying situation. But how could he justify what was in front of him? That hit him at that precise instant, and he accepted it as fact. This infant must be a kid that the world itself has abandoned. The old man's face didn't appear dismayed in the least even though there were no magnificent antiques, jewels, or gold since he considered this baby, whose life was hanging by a thread, to be his treasure. He took the youngster into his arms, thinking, "This child is what I was destined to find on this voyage." He was not terrified, even though what he was about to do went against the very nature of the planet. Before he could share this tale, the elderly explorer passed away from his severe wounds, leaving only the child he had saved. He only uttered "will," "adventure," and "final treasure" before passing away. The youngster was nurtured as their own and given the name Bennett by a group of elderly, childless, single adventurers in Mondstadt. Bennett addressed everyone as "Dad" because he was raised by the Guild. ""Dad, you should stop wearing that old leather armor," or "Dad, your teeth dropped into the bowl. "Dad, it's pouring. Where are the underwear I bought you?" You'd better stay away from me to avoid getting struck by lightning!" The majority of his free time has been spent caring for all of his aging fathers who are orphans. "The dads have undoubtedly discovered a gem, haha!" Bennett laughed as Cyrus, the current Guild Master, congratulated him. Despite his own bad luck, he can at least strive to make things better for the people he loves about. Bennett feels that way, at least. Through his unlucky string of circumstances, Bennett the Unlucky continues to search for his own lucky gem. Bennett has been called "the most tenacious young man in the world," according to Fischl's famous Oz the Raven. In fact, Bennett's scars—both old and new—show that he has experienced his fair share of ill luck throughout his life. Monsters attacking, being buried under crumbling structures, and tumbling off cliffs... Several "unfortunate incidents" have taught Bennett how to handle similar situations in the future. Bennett's aptitude for repairing dislocated joints once astounded Barbara, the Deaconess of the Church of Favonius. His incredible combat skills are another gift from his trials. "Look at his movements... Is that painful?" After seeing Bennett in battle, Knights Grand Master Varka was quite intrigued. Bennett still experiences pain; he has just become accustomed to it. He adjusted to the agony in the same way that others would to strong scents or bright lights. As a result, Bennett's unique style of charging head-on into battle without hesitation has come to define him. What precisely does death mean? Bennett is constantly straddling the edge between life and death and is left wondering. Bennett is aware that the elderly explorer who saved him has left behind a number of admirable tales and legends. He is aware that toasts will be made in the memory of explorers by former teammates rather than sobbing at their burial. He is aware that a life spent in search of gold and world knowledge ends with a "happy death" according to the Mondstadt adventurers. After they die, Barbatos returns their souls to their country of origin. He once had a phobia of dying. But after giving it some more thought, he believes that an adventurer can see death to be a blessing. Not that his good success is related in any way. "On to the next find!" Bennett then concludes his pondering for the moment. Bennett goes to the Cathedral to see Deaconess whenever he has severe wounds, such as fractures or substantial blood loss. Barbara Bennett will say, rubbing the back of his head, "Sorry, it's me again. Barbara, however, simply shakes her head and hands him some adhesive bandages, saying, "Let's deal with those scratches as well." While being unintentional, these expressions of care hold a special place in Bennett's heart. He gives her a heartfelt thank you before carefully applying the bandages to his wounds like someone pining a medal to their chest. When Bennett embarks on adventures, he keeps a lot of these bandages in his utility pouch. He receives them from his fathers, Barbara, and Katheryne. and from explorers he occasionally happens to run into after getting hurt. These insignificant gestures of kindness combine to create Bennett's special physical collection of good fortune. Oh, I guess I'm not that bad after all since everyone is by my side. Bennett has an unquenchable thirst for adventure. He wants to constantly explore, challenge, work hard, and eventually spend his entire life following the adventurer's path. But, there came a time when he faced a genuine crisis. Bennett was in a situation that would make any other individual give up, just as that ancient explorer did so long ago. It's not good to be losing this much blood. Bennett, though, persisted. There's no need to go back, he reasoned. The excruciating tragedy he had through up until this point, he just knew, was all for the purpose of getting out of this hazardous situation. But at the conclusion of his torturous quest, all he discovered was nothing. "Well, bringing nothing back is... an element of adventure. I'm... not bothered." Finally, his tightly coiled emotions began to loosen, enabling his numerous wounds to deprive him of consciousness, and he fell to the ground unconscious. When he came to, he discovered that a mysterious flame had cauterized his wounds, stopping both the bleeding and the anguish. Warmly pounding in the palm of his hand was a jewel, whose rhythm matched the beat of the adventurer's heart in his breast. This was not a case of fate having mercy on him or the world being kind to him. Instead, he was receiving his "ultimate reward," which was appropriate for someone with Bennett's intense enthusiasm.

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