In for a penny

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"Alright Gible! Now we're gonna go find some random person and we're gonna have a battle!" Boyfre cried with an enthusiasm that roared across the room
"Come on!" Boyfre said as he picked up Gible and strained to hold him before dropping him on the floor "you're really heavy, so let's go!" He said as he opened the door and looked back at his new Pokémon who was too busy sitting on the floor as if he was pouting.

"Are you hungry?" He asked while he grabbed a tart apple out of his backpack and held it out in offering to his Pokémon and yet it didn't budge. "Maybe you want to go outside?" He opened the door outside and stood there looking at his Pokémon. "Oh wait I have a Pokéball!" Boyfre said as he pointed it to his Pokémon and had it return into it.

The Gible awoke inside some place that he never saw before, it was an oasis, a paradise of the desert but it was dark like a night, this wasn't the daycare, this wasn't the place he knew, the trees of the forest, the comfort of a home this place didn't have his friend. It felt unknown he looked up to see if there was some stars shining a way out, but all he saw were lights blinking off in the distance acting like stars. "Ralts" Gible said when shiver ran down Gible's spine and he realized that now he was truly alone and seemingly forever.

A light shined and suddenly he was outside of that place standing on a grass plain looking at something that had a giant tongue that seemed to never fit in its mouth. "A Gible? Seems a bit advanced for your level but alright Haunter, use lick!" A confident voice said as the specter with its huge tongue suddenly licked Gible with a tongue that felt ice cold and slimy. "Alright Gible use tackle!" Boyfre said to which Gible ignored "come in use tackle!" Boyfre kept urging
"Haunter use shadow ball!" Which it responded summoned a dark ball and launched it at Gible the force of it exploding against him knocking him down to the floor with his body aching screaming in pain and Gible saw the world spinning around him and slowly turning black. "I told you that it seemed above your level" the confident voice said as Gible fainted.

He awoke inside the oasis with no memory of what happened after that but he felt fully refreshed as if he took a bath and a nap at the daycare as he heard the voice of Boyfre saying "I'm sorry Gible. We weren't ready but we'll get stronger and show that guy how strong we are!" 

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