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Halle POV

I was freaking out right now, what the actual fuck?! I really had little brothers. Like I knew I did but actually seeing them scared me especially with everything going on. What if this was a trap?

"Dammit I thought someone had died or something! Gisselle better have sum serious to tell us or I'm beating her for waking me out my sleep" Mama Tina said upset patting the bonnet that was still on her head

"Grandma it's only 7 pm" Lovie said and she just gave her that look. That shut lovie up real quick

Aunt Solo just sat there with a smirk on her face. Leslie was here too just as confused along with her demon seed Angel. She was in a wheel chair due to the paralysis but her attitude definitely seemed to have changed after that ass whopping

"Yooo why didn't we get the family meeting message?" Anahi said barging into the house with Sierra, Zahara and Sage right behind her causing me to look over at Chloe confused on who the fuck invited them

"Uhh maybe because we aren't family..." I asked scratching my neck

"We've been through a serious tragedy together... we're locked in for life sister" Zahara said making herself comfortable on my mama's couch next to aunt Solo

"Beyoncé Gisselle, Get down here before we come up there!" Kelly yelled standing by the stairs and i could here baby Jaylin begin crying again

"Is that a baby?" Mama Tina asked us confused, "sure is" aunt solo said and everyone quickly started making their way upstairs

Even me and my nosy ass friends, "what about me?!" Angel shouted being the only one left downstairs

"It's a elevator down there" Blue said mugging her... she is literally my twin! I love that little girl so much

Everyone made their way into mama's room and I seen Jordan laid in between mama's legs in his little Batman pajamas watching Paw Patrol unbothered and mama was rocking the baby back to sleep looking stressed out

"Uhh we missed a few chapters" Sage blurt out as everyone else just stared frozen looking at the two little boys

Jordan looked over at us with the same confused look everyone else had. "Uhh BB, there's people standing at your door. I don't know if you saw" Jordan told mama looking at us nervously

"And who the hell are they?" Kelly asked mama seriously trying to see what was going on

"These are Jahmir's youngest sons. Jordan and Jaylin, their mom dropped them off at my door step earlier" mama said finally getting Jaylin back to sleep laying him down

"Please no yelling, if he wakes up again I'm passing him to you!" Ma warned all of us dead ass

"Jahmir?! Dead Jahmir?? Since when has he had more kids" mama Tina asked confused and everyone just kinda looked around

She was the only one who didn't know what actually happened at this point. She didn't know he wasn't dead or that we were the ones who tried to kill him. She was oblivious to the fact that he was the one that killed Royal, she was just clueless

Our friends knew though, Lovie can't hold water! It was weird at first but with a friend group full of people with mommy and daddy issues. They understood and forgave us, especially after what happened to Royal we really got closer

"Beyoncé why you ain't tell your mama?" Leslie asked her and mama just played with her ear nervously. "She's scary" mama said childishly but she wasn't lying

"I know one thing, somebody better get to explaining right now!" Mama Tina told all of us with base in her voice letting us know she wasn't playing any games

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