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Halle POV

"I don't tell the truth so y'all will feel sorry for me
I don't write this shit so y'all will feel God coming"

The soothing sounds of saba's 'Calligraphy' ran through my headphones as I sat under the bleachers hiding away from my dance coach and everyone on the team

Ever since the kidnapping it's been hard for me to be around a lot of people. My anxiety was on 10, plus with everyone around here treating me like I'm some helpless victim it was too much to handle.

Most days I spent majority of my time ducked off under the bleachers reading books or listening to music just to get away from people

I quit spirit team with all my friends because I couldn't stand the attention, I was scared the next person I let in would turn out to be like Jade

I mourned her everyday believe it or not... she was the only girl I had ever liked. There was definitely something there, I had never met anyone like her in my life

I missed her despite everything.

Tears came flowing down my eyes thinking about everything I've been through over the past few years. I try my hardest to keep it together in front of the family especially because I know they have been through much worst than me

Chloe with the abortion, Blue being in and out of psych wards and the boys just now getting taken out of the foster care system. I know I have little room to complain but sometimes I just feel like I'm sinking

"Um- Are you ok?" I heard someone ask scaring the hell out of me. I quickly began wiping my eyes before looking up at the incredibly tall girl who seemed to be dressed in a basketball uniform

"Y-yeah, I'm just... I'm fine" I stuttered out trying to compose myself and not look like a total idiot.

Instead of the girl deciding to just drop it and leave me alone, Shaq's younger sister crouched her big oversized ass down attempting to fit under the bleachers successfully

She was so smushed it was kinda hilarious. "You're like 7'0, how are you gonna get out?" I asked her and she just laughed

"6'3 actually and you know I didn't really think that part out. I tend to do that sometimes" the girl smiled at me causing me to look away quickly

My trust was completely fucked after everything, I couldn't tell the difference between someone being genuine or someone pretending to be genuine so they could kill me

"You wanna tell me the truth this time or what?" The girl asked and I just carefully looked up at her. She was staring a hole into my face not once looking away from me leaving me confused me

"I'm sure you already know, I've been the talk of the school for the past two years... hell the talk of the world" I kept it simple deciding not to spill my whole life to this stranger

"I could say the same for myself, I'm pretty famous around here." The girl cockily flexed her jersey with a goofy smile on her face, I stared at her trying to see if I recognized her which I did surprisingly

"Oh yeah you're that really tall girl who's always getting technical foul's for talking shit in the games... Alani right?" I asked, she nodded giggling a bit

"Call me Dee, short for Dior that's my middle name and I wouldn't call it shit talking, I'm just really passionate about what I do" she said trying to make it sound better than what it actually is

"Whatever you say" I shrugged grabbing a makeup wipe to clean my face

"You still haven't told me why you were crying Halle?" She said saying my name... of course she knew me.

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