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Minji's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to grasp all the new information handed to her in the past hour. It was around midnight, though Minji couldn't exactly pinpoint what time is it as her brain was quite literally frying even with the cold air blowing right into her face inside the convenience store.

It was her routine. Since she would be busy with classes in the morning, Minji took a late night shift at a convenience store near her campus where she would also spend time studying fully knowing that not many would come by at that hour, and even if they did, it would just be a few students from the same university hunting for caffeine like the undead hunting for human flesh. It was quite an exaggeration but alas, they don't look like they're alive to Minji either. They usually walk in, grab a few cans of caffeinated drinks with a bag or two of chips, pay for them at the counter, then left with not a word out of their mouth.

It seemed as though Minji was too engrossed that her whole body flinched when a loud bang was emitted from the metal surface of the counter. Minji took off her earphones with such urgency that her precious phone almost flew out of her hand to its demise. Almost.

Her eyes searched for her dear customer as she tried to put on her best act of customer service but dropped it instantly when she saw who it was.

"Why would you scare me like that, Bora?"

"Look," an exasperated sigh left Bora, "you're not the only one who needs to study right now, can you please ring me up so I can continue where I left off?"

"Could've just tapped my shoulder or something..." Minji mumbled.

"Excuse me? My patience can only last for so long and I've been standing here for what? Five minutes now?" Bora's words could be considered rude and even hostile, but her facial expression was that of someone who was seconds away from bursting into tears from stress. Minji was glad she didn't take whatever classes Bora was taking as an engineering student.

"There- 3000 won and I won't pay for you this time,"

"The longer I stay here, the higher the chances of me returning to a stolen laptop," Bora stated, implying that if her laptop goes missing, she would be furious at not only the thief but also Minji. Before leaving, Bora wished her a good night to which Minji hummed in response.

Minji was about to pick her phone back up and continue the video as Bora was walking out of the door but stopped when she realized another person entered. She sigh and proceeded to place her phone back down. Said person, was a slightly shorter woman in a black hoodie and Minji's eyes widened when she saw her face. Minji knew she had just made a fool of herself when the woman turned and made eye contact with her which made Minji avert her eyes, making herself look even more suspicious.

How could someone look so similar to Yoohyeon? Minji should've known better because, unlike the woman in front of her, Yoohyeon was taller than Minji and she certainly didn't remember growing any taller than she did in high school.

The woman approached Minji and stopped about a foot away from the counter as she made some gestures and asked, "Do you- uh... do you have?"


"For injuries?"

"Band-aids?" The woman's face lighted up and she replied with an excited 'yes'. Minji smiled and politely point at the shelf where they should be.

Minji couldn't help but steal a few glances at the woman when she returned to the counter to pay.

"You're Kim Minji, right?" the woman asked as she handed some cash over. It caught Minji off guard, but she didn't hesitate to confirm with a nod. This made the woman smile and chuckle a bit. "I'm Handong, I heard about you from my classmates,"

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