track 5

83 18 9

Electric Feel - MGMT

«Camila, you have no idea of the power you have over me, of what I would be willing to do if only you asked. The next song is probably the closest thing there is to describing it.»

Olivia, with a smirk on her face, carefully watched her mother's expression. "This guy must have loved you a lot," she remarked, still unaware of his name. Her mother had chosen not to reveal it, perhaps wanting to keep at least that part of her teenage years to herself, or maybe because she didn't want Olivia to compare the love of this unknown guy to that of her father.

Camila smiled and nodded. "Yes, no one has ever loved me that much..."

...Seventeen years is not a long time, that's the pretext adults use to diminish the feelings of a teenager, yet Camila had never been so sure about something in her entire life. She knew she loved Shawn, and she was also sure that what he felt for her was even more intense.

She could see it in the way he looked at her, in how he needed her. Since they had been together, she had never known a purer feeling. Neither of them had mustered the courage to admit it out loud yet, but for now, Camila didn't need to hear those three famous words to have the confirmation she sought.

Since the moment she had decided to ignore the opinions of her friends, things had only gotten better. She and Shawn were free to walk hand in hand through the school corridors as if they were alone in the world.

They spent a lot of time together, especially at his place, where they could escape the watchful eye of others. That's where they were now, in their secret refuge, surrounded by Shawn's music collection and the objects that filled his room, each with a story to tell.

Camila watched Shawn move gracefully around the room, the dim light filtering through the curtains caressing his perfect features. She was captivated by his contagious smile, which made her feel as if the world were a magical and colorful place.

Their days passed suspended in a whirlwind of laughter, understanding glances, and soul-warming hugs. Every moment spent together felt like an explosion of electricity, a feeling that vibrated between them like an invisible current.

There were times when Shawn felt so comfortable with her that he allowed her to listen to him play the guitar. She watched his long fingers caress the metal strings with intricate movements. The melody filled the room, and she shivered as the electronic sounds enveloped her, creating an atmosphere of pure magic.

Her presence made him feel alive, as if an electric energy flowed through his veins. She knew how difficult it was for Shawn to show himself so vulnerable. Playing in front of someone made him nervous, and he believed that as the chords reverberated in the room, all the walls he had built around himself crumbled, leaving him defenseless.

He often told her that she was his kryptonite. There was nothing that could help him keep his distance from her, carve out a piece of his soul to keep safe. Camila knew very well what he meant: she, too, was sometimes frightened by the intensity of their feelings. She didn't dare imagine the pain she would feel if their story ended. So she promised herself never to hurt him.

As the music continued, Camila approached Shawn and, without saying a word, rested her head on his shoulder. The rhythmic movement of his arm was gentle and relaxing, and it could have lulled her into peaceful sleep. In that moment, everything seemed to fade around them, leaving only the connection that bound them.

The lyrics of the song echoed in their minds, describing the desire, intensity, and passion that characterized their love. It was a feeling that went beyond words, a magnetic attraction that kept them bound to each other.

Camila moved even closer to Shawn, feeling the warmth of his breath on her face. Their gazes intertwined, communicating everything that words couldn't express. In that instant, Camila realized that Shawn truly loved her, deeply and unconditionally.

The song reached its climax, accompanying the accelerated beating of their hearts. It was as if time stood still, leaving them with a moment of eternity.

Camila surrendered to the power of love, letting the sensations flow through her body. That electric bond with Shawn was something unique, a gift she cherished with all her being.

When the song faded into the air, Camila and Shawn remained there, motionless, in an embrace that seemed to last forever. There was no need for words, as the music had already said it all.

It was that kind of love that made their hearts beat in unison, creating a perfect harmony between two kindred souls. Camila felt grateful for finding someone who understood her so deeply, someone who made her experience a unique electricity, an emotion that went beyond words. She would do anything for him because she knew he would do the same for her.

Mixtape - Side A || Shawmila [Completed]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu