* Information *

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Name: Dhonir

Tier 0: Boundless

Alias : Keeper

Title: The Keeper of the Corriverse

Job: The Keeper

Member of the God Council



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The Keeper's Duty: the keeper can manipulate the Corriverse


Chains of Judgement

Too many to list


The Keeper's Clipboard: the clipboard summons itself whenever the keeper enters a universe that is suspected of corruption. The keeper can write a check mark meaning the universe is free of corruption or write a X meaning the universe has corruption and will be wiped and remade.

The Book of Multiverse's: The book can be summoned as soon as the keeper enters a universe to check the specific universe's story line, This can help to find corruption. If something is missing from the story line means the universe is corrupted

More tools to be Added

The Keeper of the Corriverse (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now