* Chapter 1 *

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Keeper POV

I was wondering one of the hallway's of the corriverse when my trusty clipboard was teleported in my hand, meaning only one thing. A universe was potentially being corrupted at this very moment

I teleported myself to the suspected universe and it's name was, Undertale#4524356.543

It was time to find this corruption 

I summoned my Book of Multiverse's and started reading through it, And so far this story is post to be just like the original undertale except for papyrus not existing.

Time to interview the main character's, I seemed to have been teleported In snowdin town

I started walking toward the end of town to the skeleton brothers house. At this point of time in the story frisk should still be at the skeleton brothers house

After a little bit of walking I reached the house, I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Few seconds later Sans open's the door

"Hello There Sans the skeleton, May I have a interview with you?"

"Why do you-"

"Excellent!" I grabbed the skeleton and sat him down on the sofa, sitting next to a sleeping frisk and took out my clipboard ready to write stuff down. "so tell me, How's papyrus"

"Who's papy-"

"Good Good", I wrote down 'Papyrus doesn't exist' and moved on to my next question

"So how's chara?"

"Chara? who-"

"Good to know"

"And can you tell me How asgore is?"

"Who is asgo-"

"I've heard enough."

I wrote down a X on the clipboard at the bottom and left the house, I opened a portal back to the corriverse and hopped through it as I heard screams of terror and pain, but it stopped as soon as the portal closed

I look down at my clipboard as it says 


I can't help but feel sorry for the pain those people we're caused, But I had a job to do.

And I was about to start roaming the halls again when a friend of mine appeared next to me. One of the goddesses of Love, Ova

"Hello Keeper!"

"Hello Ova, How are you?"

"I'm Really good! now that I'm with you!"

"Do you always have to be such a flirt?"

"Yep, Anyway How are you?"

"I'm good, But what brings this visit?"

"Can't I just hang out with my best friend?"

"I guess, but it get's lonely here so it will get boring fast"

"That's why I'm here! so you don't need to be lonely"

"Thanks Ova"

"You're welcome as always keeper"

"So what do you wanna do Ova?"

"I could think of something~"

"Sorry but no"

"AWWWW, but come on keep!"


"Just this once?"

"Fine. I'll take a break, the only reason I don't want to go out with you is because you make me pay for everything"

"Aw come on, I'm fun to hang out with though"

"Fine, let's go to you're favorite coffee shop"


I open up a portal to another universe next to a coffee shop and me and ova hop into it. "I'm guessing I'm paying for everything?"

"Yep, but isn't my love for you enough to repay you?"




The Keeper of the Corriverse (Rewritten)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora