Time (Smut)

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Sherlock Holmes (Cavil) x Wife!Reader

Requested by @anilynworlds

Valentine event

Request:anilynworlds asked: #Valentines2023Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes) x Wife!ReaderPrompt : " Any time not spent fucking you is waisted time. "

Warnings: Sex, implied sex

Sherlock sighed as he closed the door. He could see that you had tried your best to resist the urge to tidy away his things. He had been working on a case for weeks and he was losing all his loose ends.

You had complained about the mess and asked to at least get rid of the half-eaten food going stale that he'd left all over the place. He had promised to fix it himself so that you wouldn't rearrange his thought process when you'd fixed him with a hard stare. It was late now and dark. He'd try and get to it in the morning, he told himself as he slumped down onto the chaise lounge in the middle of the living room. Throwing a hand over his face to block out the light from the street, rather than get up again and shut the curtains, he sighed deeply and let himself relax. There was a familiar creaking of a door, shuffling footsteps and then a soft poking on his cheek.

"What are you doing?" He asked and you sighed.

"Just checking you're alive." You answered quickly. He looked amused as he moved his arm and looked at you.

"That isn't how you check." He answered quickly. You frowned at him and then shrugged.

"Well, how should I know? Besides you normally stomp your way through the place to bed if you're late so how should I know you hadn't dropped dead." You said quickly and frowned at him as he smiled. Reaching forward Sherlock pulled you down to sit on the edge of the seat and have you pressed against him.

"I had hoped not to wake you and thought better of stomping through the place and waking you." He muttered and you laughed a little.

"I am afraid that you still stomp about. Perhaps some practice in light-footed sneaking. I am sure you know someone who could help with that." You said and smiled as you rested your head on his chest. "You do recall your promise to clean up in here?" You asked as something caught your eye and you started to sit up to get a better look at it. Sherlock muttered something and then hoisted you up so you straddled his lap and held your face, forcing you to turn away from what was bothering you and look at him.

"There are a great many things I have neglected while I finish this infuriating case. You for example." He said and grinned at you.

"Me?... Sherlock what are you..." His large hand brushed up your legs and under your nightdress as he leaned up and kissed you. "You shall not distract me from scolding you." You warned.

"Who says I am avoiding a scolding? Perhaps I simply feel that I have not managed my time well." You gave him a dubious look as he spoke and he added. "Any time not spent fucking you is wasted time."

"Is that so?" You asked and smiled when he shrugged and leaned in.

"I suppose as a detective I shall have to find out before I can give you an answer. One hand retreated while the other stayed on your hip, thumb brushing over your soft skin, to help you stay balanced on his lap. He pulled at the strings of his trousers, popping buttons easily with one hand and leaned up a little. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he held you close and moved your hips so that he could pull you down and ran the head of his hard cock through your folds before pulling you down to sink onto him. You gasped and moaned as he lay back, pulling you down with him as he started to thrust up into you.

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