Cold And Spine-shivering To Warm And Sensitive (pt.1)

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Enid and Wednesday go out to the woods when Enid thinks she's about to wolf out. When she does, it doesn't last as long and Transforms back into human but her clothes are destroyed and is naked. Wednesday gives her her coat but Enid eventually starts getting a bit touchy with Wednesday and things start going south, Literally.
(Will put warning)
[ this chapter will be Wednesday's pov]

| "Tonight was supposed a full moon and| |Enid might end up needing to wolf out. | |She's gotten much better at controlling her |need to wolf out and is getting little lessons |from the other werewolf's at Nevermore on |how to control her abilities. I'm proud of | |her and I know she can do it. If she does | |end up wolfing out later tonight, I'll be | |with her. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. |
| -Wednesday Addams |
| 06/03/2023" |
(Wednesday's daily diary)

My day began with Thing poking my face as he tried to wake me up. I opened my left eye as I stared at him for a second before he stopped and stood there as if he was staring back. I smacked him off my pillow and he landed on his back. I got up and saw that Enid wasn't in the dorm and I suspected she was with the other werewolfs taking her mini lesson. After waking up fully, I started to work on my novel for an hour before I got ready to look for Enid. Once I was ready, I told thing to stay here while I looked for Enid and walked out the dorm to the quad. As always, there was at least two people. Yoko, Bianca, Ajax, Enid and some of the other furs were there. Enid didn't notice me when I arrived yet which was.. surprising to say the least, she always notices me before I arrive anywhere shes at.

I sit down on one of the benches behind where the wolfs are and wait for Enid to see me. After about 5-6 minutes, she finally sees me and runs over to me and hugs me, making me fall back and lay on the bench a little. "Enid, you're making my back hurt-" I start before enid pulls back. "Oh- sorry! Are you okay?" She asks with a cute smile and wide eyes. "Yes, but it's okay. You didn't let me finish my sentence but I liked the pain." I responded while I looked at her and then to the other wolfs in the background playing around while me and Enid talked. "Are you done with the today's little lesson yet?" I ask "Almost, we only have like an hour or something left. Why weds?" "I wanted to go back to the dorm so we can hang out or and watch a horror movie with you since it's a Saturday" I told Enid, looking away from her for a moment and looking at the wear wolfs running around and looking back at her. "Hmm, we can cut the lesson short today! Let me just let them know and we can get going!" She says with a exited smile as she jumped up and slipped over to one of the wolfs and letting him know. She nods thankfully at him and skips back over to me and takes her hand out for me to take it. I take it and she helps me get up from the bench and we make our way to our dorm.

Enid opens the dorm door once we got there and suggested that we should get blankets and snacks for our little hangout. I agreed and she walked out the dorm to get snacks from the cafeteria while I got the blankets and pillows. "Thing! Are you here?" I shouted out to see if Thing was in the dorm so he can help me. "Guess you won't see a horror movie with me a Enid then." I said to try and get his attention if he were actually there. Shortly after, I heard some small and fast thuds on the floor. It was Thing, thank god. "Good, now help me get set up, will you?" I asked him while trying to reach a blanket. He gave me a thumbs up and ran off to find some stuff we might need. Enid came back after about 30 minutes after but me and Thing weren't done yet with our little fort. "Woah... It looks so cozy! I can't wait!" Enid squealed before running towards me and hugging me excitedly. My mouth formed a small smile but Enid was still able to notice it somehow and just stared at my face with suck innocent, hypnotized eyes. I widen my eyes slightly and turn my head to the right but keep my eye on her. "What is it..?" I ask confused. "You're smiling. You nearly never smile, I don't why since you look so cute when you do.." she replies and I feel my face warm up a little. "Awww, you're blushing!" She says with a cute smile. I push away softly from our hug and push her playfully and continue to help Thing set up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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