Regret and Revenge

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(TW: SA and blood in this chapter)

Shiganshina is a great place to live in, in my opinion. Most people will disagree because obviously there's titans roaming right outside the walls, but I was never really worried about that since there's a huge tall wall protecting us.
"Liz! Get down here!" I heard my mom calling. Me and my mom don't really have a good relationship, don't get me wrong it's not like we hate each other we just don't understand each other. She always tells me that I have a "hot-temper" I mean she isn't wrong but still it's annoying when she says that. She also says I don't act "lady-like" and the only thing feminine about me is my long hair, so to keep the peace between us I never cut my hair, In which the result is leaving me with extremely long and annoying hair.
"Coming mom!" I yell back at her. As I walked into the kitchen I see my best friend,Alora. Alora is like family to me. She's an orphan, her parents died when she was a baby and was forced to live in a orphanage. But me and her are always together everyday. We have been best friends for years, we are like partners in crime, two peas in a pod, whatever you want to call it. "Liz hurry up! we were supposed to leave like 10 years ago!" Alora said over exaggerating. "Wait give me a minute" I said rolling my eyes. Before I could walk out the door I hear my dad saying "Liz do you have that dagger I gave you?" My dad is pretty overprotective so he makes me carry one of his small daggers with me wherever I go. But unlike my mom, me and my dad get along pretty well. "Of course I have it dad" I say while giving him a small smile. "Good" he replies. Me and Alora go on these walks everyday. We talk about the most random things and sometimes we don't talk at all, we just walk quietly. But Today was one of those days where we were talking. we finally get to our regular spot that we always sit at. There was commotion. "What's going on?" I ask Alora. There was crowds of people looking at something but I couldn't see anything since there was a huge building covering at what they were looking at. "I don't know, maybe there's some show. Let's go check it out!" Alora said excitedly. We both get up and as we see what everyone was looking at, my heart dropped. It was a Titan. Not just one of those small titans,no it was a huge red Titan that was just looking at us. I couldn't think straight, my mind was filling up with questions. Why is it just looking at us? Is it just going to stare at us? What going to happen? My thoughts were interrupted because the Titan started kicking at the wall. With each kick the ground shook. With each blow the wall started to crumble until a huge hole appeared. Titans started running in. I Can feel Alora grabbing my arm and running. I was filled with fear. The only thing I can hear was screams and the only thing I can see was blood and titans crushing homes. Then I remembered. My parents they were still at home. "Alora! My parents!" We started running towards the direction of my home. As we were running, all the houses near us were crushed. As I finally got visual to where my house was, it was already crushed but In the distance I could see my parents hiding behind the rubble. As I got closer my parents saw me. "Alora, Liz! You need to leave now!" My dad screamed at us. Then I noticed a hideous Titan behind them. It was trying to grab them but they kept dodging it. "Liz please run away!" My mom screamed with tears in her eyes. "No! I'm not leaving you guys!" I scream. "Alora, take Liz and run away, we will buy you some time!" My dad yelled with pain in his voice."we love you Liz!" My mother said with a small smile.My heart sank, before I could reply Alora already took my hand and started running.the only thing I could see was my parents getting eaten. I tired to scream but I couldn't. The only thing I could think about was all the arguments I had with my mom. Why couldn't I have been a better daughter I thought. I didn't even get to say I love you to them. We got to the boats where they were evacuating people. There was a huge crowd but thankfully Alora pushed through and got us spots on the boat. As we got on, there was a lot of commotion since many people were left behind because there wasn't enough space for everyone. "Liz" I heard Aloras soft voice. She hugged me and I felt like crying but I couldn't, I had no tears left. There was only one thing on my mind.

-two days later-

We got evacuated to Wall Rose. Everyone was in a bad mood because for one, many people died and two, there was barely any food.As they were passing around scraps of food, there wasn't enough for everyone and me and Alora were left empty handed. I was pretty hungry and was willing to eat dog food at this point. "Alora let's walk around and try to find some food" I say as my stomach grumbled. "Sure let's go" Even tho my parents are gone I'm grateful that I still have Alora. I don't know what I would do without her. As we were walking we ended up in some abandoned alleyway. We saw two MP's (military police) one of them had brown hair and the other had black hair. "Let's ask if they can spare us some food" I whisper to Alora. "I don't know Liz, they look sketchy and they're probably drunk" Alora said giggling. "Heyyy, do you guys have food? Me and my friend are pretty hungry" Alora says in her sweet sounding voice. "We don't have food, but if you come with us then we will give you food" the guy with black hair said. I started having a bad feeling. "If you don't have food then we will be on our way" I said in a annoyed voice. Alora elbowed me and whispered "be nice!" Ha, that's something my mom would say. "If you want food then you have to have some fun with us, if you know what I mean" the guy with brown hair said winking. "Hell to the no! We aren't some prostitutes, we will never fuck you pigs!" I screamed at them. Shit I knew this was a bad idea. After I had my little breakdown the guys were already surrounding us. Shit shit shit. I didn't know what to do. The MP with brown hair was already holding me down while the other one was holding Alora down. I couldn't move. "Please let us go! We are only 14!" I heard Alora shout. "Don't worry sweetheart this will only take a minute" The MP said while smiling. The guys started touching us but Alora started fighting back and kicking and screaming. She bit the guys hand. "Shit! your going to regret this you bitch!" Suddenly the MP that was holding Alora grabbed a knife from his belt. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't move even if I wanted to.Then in my worst nightmare, the MP starts stabbing Alora until she falls onto the ground. I don't know what went over me, maybe it was rage. But I started kicking and screaming and when I finally got out of the guys grip, I took out the dagger my dad gave me and i started stabbing him, until he fell to the ground then I jumped onto the guy who stabbed Alora and I started stabbing him multiple times, I stopped after he stopped screaming. As I walk to where Alora was laying, I start shaking her.No response. "Alora wake up it's over!" She didn't move. When I checked her pulse, there was no heartbeat. I start hugging her lifeless body. This was all my fault, If only we didn't walk here. I don't know how long I was hugging her body but when I finally stopped, I looked over at the MP's bodies and noticed their ODM gear. I remembered my dad telling me about them, and how it makes you fly around the sky like a bird. I decided to steal the ODM gear. I turned over the MPs lifeless body and took the gear off. It was pretty heavy but I didn't care. I looked over at Aloras lifeless body once more.
There was now another thing on my mind.

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