Welcome to the Scouts

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-5 years later (present)-

I soared through the sky with my odm gear. I had just stolen some food and money from those selfish rich people. I don't know if there's military police chasing me, I hope not. As I got back to my house I laid down the stolen goods. "Quite a haul you got there Ryder" I look up to see Alex. Alex is a 40 year old man who had caught me practicing using the stolen ODM gear 5 years ago,about 2 weeks after Alora had been killed. Alex taught me how to use odm gear and he knew everything about it since he was a retired military police. He would also refill the gas tanks every time it ran out. Alex also taught me the basics of hand to hand combat. Over the last 5 years he had been putting me through training everyday and it was hell, but at least he fed me and let me live with him.
"I'm going to be giving these away to the poor, don't worry" I replied back to Alex. "One day you'll be caught, you need to be more carefull.
MP's (military police) have been looking for you all over!" Alex said worryingly. "Don't worry old man, I won't ever get caught." I said amusingly. I honestly hope I don't get caught, MP's have been a lot tougher these days.
"Ryder, there's word on the street that MP's are bringing some commander from the scouts to capture you and when he does theres no knowing of what he will do" Alex said looking at me with a worried expression. "You really think some stupid commander will catch me. And I highly doubt that it's true because I've only been stealing some money and food, it's not like I've been stealing children" I said jokingly. Even tho I acted calm I was actually quite worried, because I've been seeing a lot more scouts recently. But I'm willing to risk getting caught, while those rich pigs are eating 4 meals a day, their are families on the street who can't afford a meal. I hate those rich bastards, they won't even donate a drop of water. They look at the poor the same way they look at dogs. I went outside and started walking. I distributed some money and food to the poor. It's funny because they see me as some hero but In reality, the only thing I'm doing is showing them kindness. As I finished giving people food and money it was already night time. As I was walking home, in the corner of my eye I noticed someone following me. I took out my dagger just in case someone was planning to attack me. I decided to walk into a dead end so I can see if they really were following me. Just my luck, they followed me to the dead end. I sorta saw some facial features. It was a man with blonde hair and he was tall as hell. I notice he was wearing some sort of cape with wings on them. Shit, it's the scouts. I heard some noise above me, as I looked up there was 2 more people coming down with odm gear. They were all surrounding me. Shit, why did I decide to go to a stupid dead end. "Hello I'm the commander of the scouts,Erwin Smith. And I'm guessing you are Elizabeth Ryder" I didn't reply because I was honestly kinda shocked that they were here. "I'll take your silence as a yes" Erwin says "you are being arrested for the murder of two Military Police and for theft" shit, I thought. How did they find out? I pull out my dagger and try to attack the commander. "I'll advise you to be smart with your next move Miss Ryder" what the hell is he talking about, I thought. Then I heard a familiar voice. It was Alex. "Get your filthy hands off of me!"  Alex yelled as another scout was brining him to where we were standing. "What the hell do you want?!" I ask, still holding my dagger threatening him. "I have a proposal I would like for you to hear" I look at him and started laughing "no way In hell Im hearing you out!" I yell. "If you don't then both you and and your friend will be arrested and brought to the MP's. And you are quite wanted by them and you will most likely be executed for your crimes" the commander said calmly. well fuck, I thought. "But all your crimes will be forgotten and your friend will be set free if you join the scouts." Who does this commander think I am, some suicidal freak?! "Why would you want me to join the scouts?" I asked. "Because I've been watching you for a while and you are quite skilled with odm gear and I've heard rumors that your combat skills are impressive. We also need more scouts to join" Erwin said while walking closer to me. "What are you, some stalker now?" I say smirking "Elizabeth I suggest you make your choice" Erwin says kind of annoyed. Before I could answer I actually
Thought about my choice. I obviously won't be able to fight off the scouts, so I'll have to go with one of the two options. If I were to refuse to join the scouts I would be handed off to the MP's and might be executed. But if I join the scouts their might be a chance that I can escape. Well my answer is pretty clear now.
"I'll join the scouts" 

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