Dark Day

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Draxum's POV:

"Ummm, boss?" Huggin asked from his spot on Draxum's shoulder. "What are we doing up here?" Trips to the surface was rare for the gargoyles, so it made sense that they were nervous.

"Gathering materials." Draxum said, obviously not in the mood to talk.

"Oh, ok." Huggin said, taking the hint.

It had been exactly 7 years since the old lab was destroyed. The Baron had lost everything in that accident, his home, his work, and his soldiers. What a waste. He was finally starting to make progress in recreating the ooze, but he knew it would take years before it was finally ready again. Once it is, I can continue my work. I can finally neutralize the human threat. That was the only thought that kept him going; finally being rid of the constant threat that the humans would discover and destroy the yoki.

They stayed up on the surface for a few hours, finally finding the components he needed, before heading into the alley where he could make the portal that would take them back to hidden city.

"Um, boss?" Muninn asked.

"What?" Draxum said, loosing his patience.

"Do you hear that?" The gargoyle asked, not picking up on his tone. "It sounds like crying."

Draxum was surprised by the question and listened for a second. He did in fact hear the silent sobs and sniffles. He looked up and launched himself onto the fire escape, trying to get a better vantage point on the alley. He looked down and saw a small human child, 6-7, dressed in rags and curled up on a pile of trash.

"Ohh, poor thing." Muninn sighed. "Are we going to help it?"

"No." Draxum responded.

"What! Why?" Huggin asked.

"It's a human, it's inconsequential." The Baron responded plainly.

"We'll yeah, but they could be useful? Maybe?" Huggin tried.

This actually got the Baron to think. They wouldn't replace my creations... but she could fulfill their role. He couldn't get over the fact that they were a human though. Well... if this works that will not be a permanent issue. With that he made his decision.

He jumped down infront of the child, they gasped but didn't cry out. Good, at least your not a coward. They looked at him with wide (E/C) eyes, their (H/C) hair was a mess, and their (S/C) skin was covered in bruises and scars. A sign of a fighter. "Hello little one," he said in a voice void of all emotion. "Are you lost?"

"No," the child responded sitting up, "I'm right where I'm suppose to be." They hugged their legs to their chest.

"Where? In the trash." Huggin asked, moving to land on one of the trash bags next to the child.

"That's what my dad said." They said sniffing, their eyes moved to stare at the ground.  Draxum couldn't help the twang of pity he felt for them, but he kept his emotions off his face.

"Discussing humans." Draxum said, the child looked at him. "They don't even care for their own. Pathetic." They looked back at the ground. The Baron knelt down to their level. "All humans are awful, but you don't need to be. Come with me." He held out a hand to them. Their eyes snapped to it, they thought for a moment before reaching out and grabbing his hand. Draxum scooped them up and opened the portal, stepping through. They came out on the other side to his platform over looking the hidden city, the child sat up in his arms.

"It's beautiful." They said in awe.

"It is," the Baron agreed, putting them down, Huggin landed on his shoulder again as he did so. "And now you will help me protect it from humans."

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