What do You Mean?

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Note: ok so I am going to be specific on y/n's eye color, you'll see why later. :) Enjoy!

Draxum's POV:

Draxum, Huggin, and Muninn looked over the ruins of his lab.

"I just got déjà vu." Huggin said.

"It's been three days, and we still haven't found any sign of y/n." Muninn said.

"They must have gotten out then right?" Huginn asked.

"I don't know." Draxum said. He felt y/n's loss more deeply than he thought he would've. They were more than just a soldier or hired help. He would never admit it out loud, but they was like his own child in his mind. He felt heavy grief that he hadn't felt in a long time. "But we have work to do." He said turning his head to look at Muninn. "If they did make it out, they'll come home. We have already wasted enough time."

Y/n's POV:

Y/n woke up after what felt like just a few minutes. I can't sleep. They looked down, seeing that the only thing covering their top half was bandages. And I'm half naked. They rolled over and saw the human dosing of in the chair. Where is my shirt? They looked around the room, sighing when they didn't see it, just some blankets on the table next to the human. The human opened her eyes and looked at them.

"Hey sleepyhead." She said. "Those pain killers really did a number on you, you were out for 5 hours."

What? No fucking way. I never sleep more than 3 at a time. "Where is my shirt?"

"In the wash, it's covered in blood and ripped. We brought you these to change into." She said grabbing what Y/n now realized were some sort of clothes. "I'll give you space to get dressed. I'll be back in in a sec." the human said as she left.

Y/n starred after her. What was that? She had sounded so calm. The only person that had ever spoken to them like that was Draxum, and even then there was always an edge to his voice. But the humans was soft and....kind? No, all humans are all awful. They looked at the clothes and decided to put them on.

Y/n had never worn anything like this. They always wore something tight and nice, sometimes armor. But these close were baggy, were they suppose to be like that? The pants fit well around the waist and ankles, but were loose around the legs, the shirt was probably the tightest thing on them, and the . . . jacket? was too big, it hung around their mid thighs and they had to scrunch up the sleeves in order to have their hands visible. They left it open, grateful for something to cover their arms, but not quit sure how to work the zipper. They folded up their own pants and sat back down on the bed, feeling dizzy. They looked around the room. Where are my knives? I need to distract myself.

The human walked back in and smiled. "Those fit better than I expected." She said, weirdly please. "We're about to have dinner want to join us?"

"Do I get a choice?" Y/n was hungry, but not to the point where they forced themself to eat just yet.

"On eating no," the human responded. "On joining us, that's up to you."

"...fine." Y/n got up, took two steps, and fell to their knees. The human helped them back up to sit on the bed. "Wait here," she said leaving again.

Y/n felt stupid. Come on! You've been hurt worse than this and you ran 3 miles! You can walk a few steps!

The human re-emerged with the big red turtle. Without a word he walked over and scooped them up. Wow! They struggled for a second out of instinct before settling in the big turtles arms. He looked down at and offered a smile, but they looked away, down the way they were walking. They ended up in a room that looked like a smaller version of where Huggin and Muninn would make dinner for Draxum, and where they would occasionally snag something from the fridge. An amazing smell hit them as they entered, and they saw that the other turtles were in the room.

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