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Four months ago,

In siberia,

Clara is asking around in town,If they saw solething fall from the sky,Like a meteriot,Or something like it

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Clara is asking around in town,
If they saw solething fall from the sky,
Like a meteriot,
Or something like it.
As people tell her no,
Clara stops to find a room for the night,

After finding a hotel with still room in it,
She heads out towards a bar,

Once inside the bar,
She picks out of her pocket a sigaret box,
She lights one up,
As she breaths in the smoke,
And exhauls it with a deep sigh,

She goes over to the bar,
Sitting down and orders solething strong,

Clara : can i ask you something?

Bartender : da.

Clara : have you seen solething falling out of the sky recently like a satelite or meteorite?

The bartender nods no,
Clara sighs again and swings the glass in one sip up,

Clara : fill it up again and let the bottle stand here please.

The bartender nods,
And heads off to serve someone else,

Next to clara,
A woman sits next to her,

???? : So you often visit a bar this late at night?

Clara : no it's only just recently that i do,
After hitting so many dead ends,
You can't blame a girl for trying.

???? : True but what is it that you seek?

Clara : evidence that he is still alive.

???? : Alright maybe in the far nothern region you got more luck.
Bu the way i'm yelena.

Clara : nice to meet you,
But i have to get going.

Yelena : seriously you don't offer me something to drink,
Or won't let me buy you a drink.

Clara : i have alot to do tomorrow so no.

Yelena grabs clara's hand,

Yelena : just one drink on me.

Clara hesitate's,

Clara : fine just one drink.

On the other side of the room,
A man lights up a cigaret,

On the other side of the room,A man lights up a cigaret,

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