retrieve and capture

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After a few days of yn taking ilena with him,
To meditate,
She just sits there looking at him,

But today yn and ilena are sitting next to each other,
She has joined him now,
Even clara has come to join them,

Daisy now walks into the room,

Daisy : what are the three of you doing?

Yn : meditating......

Daisy : wh-
You know what never mind,
Yn i need you to come along with me and may.
We are going to visit robin,
Hopefully she knows where hale is holding phil.

Yn stands up,

Ilena : where are you going?

Yn : to help you're mom.

Ilena : but our session......

Yn : sometime's you have to do it alone ilena,
Now daddy has to go.
You can stiml continue with clara though,
You're almost at her level.

Ilena : what do you mean almost?

Daisy : now yn!!

Yn walks towards daisy,

Yn : ask clara.

Once yn and daisy leave the room,
Ilena looks towards clara who is still sitting there with her eyes closed,

Ilena : what did he mean?!

Clara : nothing.......

Ilena : you've been training with him right?
Have you seen his freakish new form?
And the jand thingy he does without even doing anything?

Clara : blimey,
Yes how does he do that so easy though?

Ilena : beats me.
Wanna spar?

Clara : yeah this meditating is going on long enough.

Not soon enough both clara and ilena are using the technique against each other,
As both of them are already touching the opposite walls of the room,
The room around them is already destroyed by the cheer force behind both of their powers.
Once they stop,

Ilena : break?

Clara : break.

With yn, daisy and may on the zephyr one in the hanger of the light house,

Deke come's in,

Deke : sorry i'm uh.......
I'm late.
I was just getting all my gear togheter,
But i'm ready to go,
Geared up,
Mission ready.

Daisy nods,
And deke heads off.

Jemma now walks up to them,

May : was he late?

Daisy : i don't know.
Not yet.

May looks towards yn,
Yn just shrugs his schoulders.

Daisy : what's up?

Jemma : i was hoping to have another word with you about fitz.

Daisy : we can't have that conversation again simmons.

Jemma : yes, well,
Robin may have anwsers.
But she may not.
Where as fitz has a concrete lead on a hydra weapon.
We get to that first,
We get to hale,
That could lead to coulson and......

Daisy : fitz is sick,
You should be worried about that,
Look, you can compile his intel,
And we review it when we get back.
But right now zephyr one is leaving.

Jemma nods and wants to leave the zephyr,

Daisy : and simmons,
Mack is in charge when i'm gone.
And he is underneath stricked orders,
Fitz stays locked up,

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