Make you miss me..

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing I reluctantly grabbed it and saw it was a call from Seungkwan.
"Y/N WAKE UR LAZY ASS UP!" he shouted. As soon as he shouted I remembered I had an important interview with Vernon. "Oh shit, I forgot." I thanked Seungkwan for reminding me before ending the call.
I got ready and wore some fashionable clothes on.

I got ready and wore some fashionable clothes on

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(cute innit)

I made sure my hair was fine and makeup was fine before leaving my apartment.
I called a taxi quickly because I was running a bit late for the interview with Vernon. I wasn't completely sure what they were going to ask us, but I was known for my amazing responses.
Once I got at the venue, I was greeted with many warm smiles until I looked to my right and saw a girl glaring at me with anger in her eyes. *Okay we get it girl your obsessed with me* I chuckled quietly before walking into the building like a queen that I am. I walked into the reception. "Hi, how can I help you?'" asked the receptionist kindly. I'm here for an interview and i'm working with Mr. Chan "Alrighty what's the code on your phone?" question the receptionist. Uhm.. Sorry did I miss something? I didn't get any code on my phone. "Well we can't let you in then, sorry madam can you please sit in the seating area. Thanks luv," said the receptionist. No!! I can show you proof I showed her some pictures of Vernon and I together. But the lady wouldn't budge. *Oh my days if this lady doesn't allow me to go past i'll be so late* When I was about to call Vernon I felt a touch on my shoulder. You could tell he was a strong guy by the way he clenched your shoulder.
You looked back to see Vernon. "She's coming with me for our interview thanks," demanded Vernon.
Vernon dragged me out forcefully almost like he was angry. Vernon what's wrong?? Why did you bring us to this empty room? Vernon kept quiet and leaned in for a huge hug. "Y/N I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SOOOO LONG!" shouted Vernon. "I've missed my bestie!" said Vernon excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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