Its explained ( last chapter for real * tear * )

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AST CHAPTER GUYS AND YES ...SMUT ... last chapter smut / fluff , ive had a lot of requests for smut in this so I figured why not last chapter . I hope you like this story and continue reading my other things ... but now I love you all and enjoy ....


- Vic P.O.V. -

I saw that kellin had woken up and as much as I just wanted to tackle him and hug him I still needed and explanation for what had happened . Im pretty sure even he knew that so before I could say a word to him he started explaining .

" Im so sorry Vic , I aad met this chick when i was at the mental hospital and feltdrawn to her , I didn't know she was actually manipulating me . something was pulling me to her ... something I couldn't resist . When she kissed me, I had to kiss back , something was telling me to and I couldn't stop myself, nothing could stop what I was feeling . I kissed back and I know it was wrong. The second I did all the feeling faded away from me ... I knew what se was doing but how could I stop it ?I didn't know I could until I saw you standing there broken and mad . She was a siren Vic. Trying to attract men to their death for centuries and I could feel it in our cold heartless kiss that we had . Im so sorry I shouldve known better I shouldn't have gone with her . Please please please please please forgive me , ill do anything vic "

His story did seem to match up with what happened but I still feel betrayed . he promised he would never cheat on me no matter what but I guess a siren wasn't in the agreement but still ... it hurt but .... but I love him to much to actually stay mad at him I guess . I sighed and walked over to him and hugged him softly . The only reason I forgave him is because I did bite him ... I felt so bad about that and I know it was wrong I should've just been all calm but no I had to go bat shit crazy and when kellin finds out how I handled this .... oh god breathing kinda picked up a little just thinking about what I had done but I was hoping kellin wouldn't notice because he would know what I had done for sure in that case . But of course next thing I knew kellin grabbed my arm and yanked it to him . He just saw through my long sleeves and rolled them up reveveling what I didn't want him to see . The fresh cuts sprawled out across my arm in no particular pattern at all .

" Go ahead kellin , yell and scream atme  for this I get it "

he didn't though ... that's not what I was expecting , he just leaned down and gingerly placed a kiss on every single individual cut and trust me there were a lot...he wasn't  mad at me for this ...... but why not ? ya know what I don't even want to know . I just wanted to get out f here so we could finally go home and like .. avoid everything that's been happening lately . All the issues . I mean were out of the hospital ,were both alive , were not mad at each other so now everything is fine .... were all ok .... no more things could get in our way because weve done it all already , I mean he got me to stop cutting , we both almost went crazy , I almost killed him , he cheated , and yet were still both right here happier then ever because we have each other , no one else got us an escape we provided one for each other and that's what love really is . Now I finally get it , why I used to have all those weird dreams... kellin did to . It was like a weird mind trick , trying to get us to start over I the love , to change what we had already accomplished but we knew in our hearts we wanted it no other way ... the dreams were tricks not warnings .... wow

Kellin was finally allowed to leave the hospital and we were both releaved . It had only been a couple days but those couple days were so boring . Nothing to do and no where to be . I didn't leave his side the entire time of course and held his hand every second I could . He regained his strength and my cuts healed .. just like he had promised me ... every scar one day would heal and every tear one day would dry ... I should've believed him sooner but now all Ill ever believe is when he tells me he loves me because I know its true . The car ride home was silent but not an uncomfortable silence more like a silence of understanding and love .After and eternity we had finally arrived home back to our forever ....

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