Denial and Heartbreak * part 2 *

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- Kellin P.O.V. -

I layed on my bed crying my eyes out . He didnt even care that i was hurt , he hurt me on purpose . I knew he was just like the others . How could for one second i ever believe that someone wouldnt hurt me . I knew he would but i didnt think it would be this soon. I felt like the misery that was pushed away when he almost kissed me was coming right back but  quicker than it had ever been here before.Everything just hit me at once like a bullet shattering my heart in a million more peices than it was already in.

I cried myself into a dazed state . I couldnt feel anything , it was all just numb . Why did i feel this way over a guy i juts met ? It seems like ive seen him somewhere before but i couldnt think now . My head was pounding in my ears . My heart was beating at an alarming rate . My entire world was spinning in circles but it kept landing on Vic . He was all i could think of as i stumbled to my window . I looked out and it was already night time . I guess i mustve cried for a while ........ I stepped out onto my balcony and sat on the edge .

Ive never felt hurt like this in my life and i dont know why . Its all so confusing , I wish it would all just go away but knowing my luck it wouldnt . It would hurt me more and more until i wasnt able to handle it anymore and i just ..... The tears started to flow again at constant pace from my eyes that were already blurred from the pain .

After who knows how long of me sitting right on the edge of the balcony wanting to just push myself of , i heard someone calling my name . I thought it was just another hallucination .... i havent had my medicine today so its a possibility . But it got louder , it sounded like a real person , i heard the footsteps on the sidewalk , the heavy breathing that was ocming form the person . then i realized who it was . It was Vic ..... i  recognized his voice and how it said my name . The first time he said my name it was burned into my head of how perfect my name sounded rolling off of his lips .

I looked down at him stading right below me saying somethign but i couldnt hear him . It all just kinds went dark . He was yelling at me and telling me something but i wasnt there. My body was but my mind was somewhere else. Lost in eternal darkness from myself . i felt two arns wrap around me and i looked back to see Vic there hugging me from behind and lfting me away from the egde . I lay limp in his arms the numbness slowly creeping back to me .

He layed me on my bed and shook me trying to get a response but i was to far gone . My mind was wondering . Just lost in my own thought like normal but then ...... he pressed his lips against mine . I took a deep breath and shot sraight up in my bed and looked at him . I felt like i had just been brought back to life . the darkness was still encircling me but I could see Vic , i wasntalone with myself anymore . I thought we were the only two people in the world or at least thats what it felt like .

Vic looked into my eyes his own welling  up with tears and whispered

" im so sorry ..... can we just start over im trying to everything right this time but its not working . Im so sorry  i never meant to hurt oyu , you are the last person  that i would ever want to hurt . Seeing the pain flash in your eyes kills me i just want to hold you and tell you everything is ok i want to call you mine and never let you go . I want  to save you from yourself ..... im so sorry Kellin .... my life with you is everything ..... please forgive me .... please " 

He had tears streaming down his face but i didnt answer . I gently wrapped my arms around him and held him . He kept repeating the words im sorry and honestly im not sure if i could forgive him but ..... i needed him in my life i just felt a strong connection that ive never felt with anyone else and i never wanted to lose it . It made me almost not in agony for once , not happy but ..... i could be ... with Vic i avtually felt like i had hope again .

I held him close to me , never wanting to let him go ever  . He knew i had accepted his apology now and i had accepted him back to me . He kept sayign that he was so scared that our existance together was over , That the fear of losing me was  to great for him to handle for a reason we both didnt understand . I didnt repond to his statements but i thought to myself .

With you and me it will never be over Vic . Never


song : " Its Not  Over " by Chris Daughtry


Well guys i hope your liking this story . Its a little more intense than the other one i wrote but i still hope you like it . im really trying on it thats why its taking me so long to update along with school stuff and blah blah blah .

Tell me what you would like too see possibly in the somments and just tell me what you think over all .

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But for now just enjoy the story , I love all of you and Byeeeeeeeee

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