Chapter 6: True Lies

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"At last, you two! I hope the food ain't gone cold," Mika said, standing up as soon as the kids showed up. Then she immediately headed to the stove, to get the food and arrange it in the respective dishes on the table. "Otto, get over here and help me get the food, so we can start eating sooner."

Otto, for the first time in forever, got up and did as he was told, without complaining.

"I thought it'd take you five minutes or so, David. Looks like she wasn't exactly where you expected, huh, Mr. Smarty-pants?" Otto remarked, in a way which David couldn't tell whether he was mocking or just teasing him.

"At least I went on my own accord, without whining, and I did find her; didn't I?" David responded, calmly.

"Otto, shut up and just focus on your job, will you?" Mika snapped.

Wow, thanks, Ma. Even if you didn't do it to defend me.

"David and Nadja, go and wash your hands, quickly," Ettel commanded. "Do not be longer than two minutes! I'll be timing you."

They immediately rushed to the closest sink, which was the kitchen's, and helped each other wash their hands. He turned on the faucet for her and handed her the soap. While she was soaping her hands, he was getting his wet. Then she passed him the soap and washed the soap off her hands, while he was soaping his hands. She waited for him to wash the soap off his hands, and then she turned off the faucet. They dried their hands at the same time, on the dish towel. Then they ran back to the dinner table, hoping they'd done it within two minutes.

Ettel was looking at his wristwatch. They were 35 seconds late. Ettel didn't care or mention it, though.

"Well done, kids! Now, please, sit down."

They both looked at each other, sighing in relief.

David was very nurturing and protective towards his little sister.

Mika and Otto finished arranging the food on the table and finally sat down, as well. Everyone said grace, and then started serving themselves.

"So, Nadja, may I ask why you left the table without permission, and where you went?" Ettel began, before driving the first forkful of food into his mouth.

Everyone looked at Nadja. When she glanced at David, he subtly shook his head and pointed his thumb at himself. Then, he butted in.

"I had told her that, on every Saturday, lucky clovers were visible in the meadow, between 6:30 PM and 7:30 PM. I was just kidding, of course. I didn't think she'd take it seriously." That wasn't a lie. "That's how I guessed where she might be. I figured she had suddenly remembered what I had told her and wanted to see it for herself. A-And I wasn't wrong—she was there alright, down on four, looking for some lucky clover she thought she'd seen. So I had to show her there was none." Lie, lie, lie and... lie! Whoa! Impressive! One, two, three, four lies in a row—one for every leaf of the lucky clover Nadja had never gone looking for, but granted her luck either way! Mission utterly and successfully accomplished, despite his dry mouth! Cheers! Pinocchio would be jealous!

Nadja's face dropped further at every lie David told. Everyone thought it was because she felt ashamed of herself and/or disappointed, but she was actually feeling guilty because she believed David would have to face one terrible consequence for each one of all those lies.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Johann declared, amidst uncontrollable laughter.

"You can't talk much, can you, Johann? I've lost count of how much nonsense you still actually believe to be true. And you're two years older than her," Otto provoked him.

"Oh, yeah, I can talk a lot. Do you really want to get me started, Otto?" Johann defiantly asked.

"What are you talking about, kid?" Otto asked, with a scoff. "I just stated the same old truth everyone knows. You do believe a lot of stupid nonsense, don't you?"

"Well, at least I don't tell myself that the prettiest girl in school will get interested in me, if I keep buying her expensive things." Johann knocked it right back at Otto, making him swallow hard.

"Come again?" Mika questioned, with her mouth still full, one octave above the usual. She quickly finished chewing and then swallowed the food. "What the heck is he talking about, Otto? Explain it this very minute!"

"He-He's just making up stupid stuff for a comeback, Ma," Otto responded, nervously.

"No, I'm not. This is the same old truth everybody knows. You can ask anyone in his class—or maybe even anyone in high school—about it, then you'll know it, too, Mom."

"So... you've been publicly demeaned. Nice job, Hotshot! Congratulations!" Ettel sarcastically said, with a scornful face.

Boy, this is getting more entertaining by the minute! David tried hard not to laugh.

"That's not what's been happening. I actually have been wooing her," Otto said, trying to sound convincing, but at the same time he was fidgeting both his feet under the table.

"Wooing?? What the heck is 'wooing' supposed to mean?" Mika inquired suspiciously. "Is that slang for—"

"It means 'courting', sweetheart," Ettel interrupted her, already knowing what was on her mind.

"Courting!" Mika exclaimed, incredulous, with a scoff.

"Is that it, Otto? You mean you been courting the young lady, then?" Ettel asked.

"That's correct. I've been courting her," Otto confirmed, putting his chin up, looking and sounding cocky.

Then David could no longer hold back his laughter—nor the chewed food from bursting out of his mouth with it.

"S-Sorry 'bout that! I-I'll clean after myself," he somehow managed to articulate the sentence, and then went on laughing hysterically, his head tipping backwards.

Nadja didn't quite understand what was going on, but was glad she was no longer the center of attention, and just focused on eating her food and thinking about her baby kittens.

"What's so funny? Oh, I know: you're so stupid that you have no clue what 'courting' means; do you?" Otto challenged David. "Oh, my bad—you're way too young! Little kids don't know about such matters!" he went on, disdainfully.

"Apparently," David was still laughing, "considering what you said, you're the one who does not know the meaning of it, since you call that 'courting'," he countered confidently.

"This... is not the time to argue! Let's end this discussion, for now, and eat our dinner peacefully, shall we? Otto, you and I are also going to have a little chat, later," Ettel said, firmly, without taking his eyes off his plate.

Johann looked and grinned at Otto, triumphantly, and mouthed 'told ya'. David subtly motioned for him to cut it out.

Everyone then shut up and ate up their food.

After all of them were done eating, Ettel was checking out some numbers from the farm that he had written down, as well as doing some calculations. David cleaned up his mess, helped Otto take the dirty dishes to the sink, then removed the dirty tablecloth and took it to the dirty laundry basket. Mika washed the dishes, Nadja dried them off and Johann put them away. Nadja dropped and broke one plate, in the process, and Johann helped her clean it up. Mika swept the floor right after the children, to make sure no piece of broken porcelain remained.

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