Chapter 3: A Tragedy 💔

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Time skip~(2 years later)

Ketsumi was happy with her life finally. At 8 years old, she managed to have a good grip on her Quirk, she had a few good friends, she hadn't had any nightmares for the past 7 months, and she was finally going to Japan!

It was a beautiful, sunny day, and today was the day that Ketsumi left China for Japan. She was at the mall with her mother and father picking up a few last-minute items, when suddenly there was a loud boom.

The noise had come from the area of the store Ketsumi was in; the toy store. Ketsumi rushed to get away from the loud sound that made her ears ring, and smelled out her parents' scents. She didn't see them, but she could smell them. From what she could smell, they smelled scared and worried. She found them in the stationary store, where she had left them.

"Mommy, I'm scared!" Ketsumi whined.

"It's going to be okay, 'Sumi, we just need to evacuate, so don't let go of our hands, okay sweetie?" Ketsumi's mom said somewhat calmly.

Ketsumi grabbed her mom and dad's hands, and they began to walk to the emergency exit near the food court.

Suddenly, a group of villains appear in front of them and the other families and various people.

"Give us all your wallets, purses, phones, and cash, and we won't kill you," one of the villains said. Everyone in the building immediately started tossing their wallets and purses towards the villains in hopes that the villains would be satisfied and let them go.

Then a young man gathered the courage to say this: "You goddamn villains better leave us alone, or else we'll call the heroes! In fact, I've already texted the police and heroes our location!" The young man shouted angrily.

The villain who had first spoken furiously walked towards the young man, grabbed him by his baby blue hair, and screamed, "You think I care about that?! Just for what you said, me and my buddies are going to kill everyone in this mall, then kidnap any leftovers and sell them!" He then used his Quirk to kill the blue-haired young man, and killed 50 other people with his Quirk, 10 of them being children.

Ketsumi was in shock. She was frightened and revolted by the villains in front of her. Haruka and Junbei shielded her from the villain's view. The 3 other villains were too busy stuffing their pockets with cash to notice, but the villain who killed 13 people noticed, and walked towards them.

"You think she's safe from me if I don't see her?! My quirk can kill people even if I can't see them! I call it Murder Webs! Even if I can't see your kid, I can still kill her! Wanna see?!" He then proceeded to reach his webs towards the part of the crowd he couldn't see, and pulled out a teenage girl.

"Now I'm going to kill her right in front of your eyes, and then I'll kill your daughter," he taunted, and then he snapped the teenage girl's neck while she was pleading for her life.

Junbei bellowed angrily and attacked the man, and bit his neck to copy his Quirk. Then villain screamed out of fear and pain, then he shoved Junbei into a wall, wrapped his webs around him, and cut him badly. Junbei punched the villain's face, making him drop on his knees, but the villain then grabbed Ketsumi and started choking her.

"You fucking bastard! I'll choke her out til she bites it if you don't stop!" He threatened.

Ketsumi scratched him with her claws, and he dropped her immediately.

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