Chapter 5: Ketsumi and Hitoshi

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Third person pov

2 weeks after meeting Hitoshi, Ketsumi had dramatically changed. She felt confident enough to unleash her chaotic, emo, sassy self that she had been hiding from the world. She had recently been introduced to the world of vines by Hitoshi, and they were surprisingly good at relieving stress.
Gone was the insecure, timid Ketsumi (mostly), and in her place was the sassy, confident, and brave Ketsumi. Ketsumi felt genuinely happy around her best friend Hitoshi, although she missed seeing Hiryu too.

Today, Ketsumi had a great idea. She and Hitoshi were going to look for Eraserhead, since he often patrolled the area around their orphanage, and since Hitoshi's birthday was coming up. But the problem was that he usually patrolled at night, and they couldn't go out at night without the neighboring shopkeeper noticing.
Ketsumi had decided to combat that problem by sneaking through the back side door, which the shopkeeper couldn't see. Now, all she and Hitoshi had to do was wait until everyone had went to their rooms. It was around midnight when everyone else had went to their rooms.

Ketsumi quietly opened the side door, and Hitoshi followed as she went out into an alley. "Isn't this kinda dangerous to be going out at midnight, Ketsumi?" Hitoshi asked skeptically. "Well, yeah I guess, but I wanted to surprise you for your birthday, Hitoshi." She said proudly.

Hitoshi was touched. No one had ever tried to celebrate or surprise him for his birthday after his Quirk had manifested, and the fact that Ketsumi was trying to find his favorite hero for him made him feel warm inside.
They were almost out of the alleyway when a big man came running into the alleyway they had just came out of. Then, they saw none other than Eraserhead himself chasing the man. Eraserhead wrapped up the man in his capture scarf after erasing his Quirk, then he noticed Ketsumi and Hitoshi standing there at the end of the alleyway, watching him in awe.

He walked over to the two children and stared at them for a few seconds, trying to decide what to say.
"Why are you kids outside at this time of night? You two should be asleep, not awake watching me take down a criminal." He said to them authoritatively. Ketsumi spoke first since Hitoshi was still too embarrassed to speak. "Well, tomorrow is Hitoshi's birthday, so as an early birthday present, I wanted to find you, since you're Hitoshi's favorite hero," she said.

Eraserhead was surprised, to say the least. These two kids knew who he was, had known that he patrolled around here, and had set out to find him. He squatted down to be on eye level with them. "Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but you two should be in bed. What if that villain had noticed you and taken you hostage? You're lucky that I was here, or things could have went badly." He scolded them.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Eraserhead, I should have told Ketsumi not to do this, but I really wanted to see you in person." Hitoshi said in a submissive tone with his head bowed.
"I'm not going to apologize to you, Eraserhead!" Ketsumi said defiantly. "I think that I could have protected Hitoshi just fine if anything had happened! I could have bit him and told him to stop, and he would've stopped!"
Ketsumi had heard on the internet that vampires could do that, but she wasn't sure whether that was true or not. She mentally noted to try it out on Hitoshi later.
"After all, I'm gonna be a great hero like Vlad King!" She said confidently.

"Ketsumi, don't say that! Eraserhead's right, we could have gotten hurt! Apologize for saying that!" Hitoshi scolded Ketsumi. "Fine, I'm sorry, Eraserhead." She pouted.
"Well, if you want to be a great hero, you have to follow the law, and the law says that kids under 18 shouldn't be out past midnight." Eraserhead said to her.
"Now, where do you two live?" He asked as he scooped them up into his arms. "We live in that orphanage right there." Ketsumi pointed down the alleyway.
Eraserhead walked down there and stopped in front of the side door of the orphanage.

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