loading 2nd chapter : 45%

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. . . loading 2nd chapter : 45% (in which Idia just can't really comprehend extroversion mess and maybe a game session isn't so game-ish anymore)

Idia can't sleep.

He has tried closing his eyes countless times, and yet it's already 3:47 am. What's the point of being awake now? The sound of Ortho charging on a dock station isn't disturbing in any way, moreover, usually it even helps. Some people buying aroma candles, Idia himself heard from Vil (another story of how he ended up in a potionology class, flesh-and-blood, but yes, he did heard it in live ) that maintaining sleep schedule is important, and in cases of insomnia he, above all, should visit a doctor, and then he could try drinking herbal teas, and... blah-blah, another normie talks or whatsoever.

For a second Idia thought it would be better if he closed his eyes and saw himself ordering a whole pack of 20+ aroma candles with a huge variety of scents as a cure from insomnia, but of course it won't happen.

He saw Yuu's smug face instead. Idia Shroud, true genius, proud eccentric, pro-gamer in all fields (except these stupid otome ones), a grown-up 18 years old adult by now, can't damn sleep because the one magicless girl is haunting him at night. Oh Sevens, another day, another flop. How the hell could he comprehend what happened today? Oh, the day already passed, it's night, then it's yesterday then. Idia despised himself at some rate due to behaving in a normie way. Would be just perfect if he graduated from this shitty college as soon as possible, live with Ortho, play his favorite games everyday, maybe raising a cat or two - Sevens, he just wants a fluffy cute little creature to give his sudden bursts of attention to at least someone (bonus points if it's meowing instead of talking, so he won't deal with embarrassing situations). That would be so perfect, so safe and comfortable for him, but fate has other plans stored for him.

Idia bit his lip, leaving another mark comparable to a scratch, and sighed heavily, closing his eyelids in the hope of erasing the image of the girl from his memory. He heard his underclassman once. An Ignihyde - Ignhyde!! - student asked Idia if he could give him advice as a dorm head, and Idia thought he built a strong enough image of him as a dorm leader - unreliable, insecure, uncommunicative, mysterious maybe, but nothing out of character. Idia tried his best, though, giving a nod and convincing himself it was just a small technical problem, but then...

"D-dorm head," the student mumbled back then, and Idia thought of a quite distinguishing feature of all Ignihyde students - stuttering out of embarrassment. "I have no friends to consult... Can you give me a piece of advice?"

"W-well... Y-yeah, let's see..." Idia hated being responsible for others. You've managed getting accepted into this college somehow, then you would handle the rest too, right? Why ask others? Why communicating? Argh, it was driving him insane.

"Y-you know... I-I... I guess I have a crush on someone..."

Sevens, it was hell. Idia wondered if Hades has ever encountered such a situation? What would he do if he was in Idia's shoes?

He can't remember what it was that he told him in response, but two weeks later the student ended up being rejected. Of course he was! Who would want to deal with gloomy, irritable and antisocial students? It was just logical thinking, rationale and just.

Yeah, normies behavior is the worst. He couldn't believe he was thinking of Yuu when he could be gaming or oh wow sleeping even. Was it his first or second sleep deprived day? He can't remember.

Idia will be staying in his room as always, but this isn't helping. Ortho was looking really intimidating when he said he wants Idia's room to be clean and neat when he and Yuu will be back after classes. So much stress for one shitty day.

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