3. The Bee

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Nova's POV

After we get done unpacking the girl's clothes the twins wake up. Sam tells us to go downstairs again while she sees if her kids are awake. 

I go downstairs with the girls holding my hands. We walk down to see the excitement of the bar area has calmed down and only a small group of men are still around. I look over to the previous to see all three guys still there. 

I lead the girls over there. 

"Jameson this is Mina and Luna." I hold up each hand when I say their name. The girls smile at him and wave their hands wildly around. Jameson slightly smiles at them and waves back. Mina pulls on my hand so I bend down so she can whisper in my ear.

"Who are they?" She looks at the three men in the booth. 

"That one is Jameson, he's Auntie Sam's husband. The one in the middle is Bear and then on that side is Reaper." I tell both of them and they nod in sync. 

"Did your mommy name you those funny names?" Luna asks the two with nicknames. 

"Luna." I scold her lightly. 

"Their nicknames little girl," Bear tells her in a raspy tone.

"Why?" Mina this time asks with both of them tilting their heads. Where the hell is Sam?

"It makes me scarier." He jokes with her giving them both a small smile. 

"Where Auntie Sam?" Luna looks up at me. 

"She's coming. Hopefully." I whisper the last part to myself. 

Thankfully Sam comes down the stairs holding two little kids who are both rubbing their eyes. 

Jameson gets up and walks over to her and grabs both of them from her. He comes over to the booth and sits down closer to Bear with the two young kids on his lap. The little girl is older, and shares most of Sam's features with her blonde hair and dark brown eyes. The little boy has brown eyes but brown hair starting to cover his head. 

"Nova these are my babies, Kelly and Ryder."

"Really Ryder." I deadpan her. She smiles and looks at Jameson obviously putting blame on him. 

"Kelly is 2 and Ryder just turned 1." 

"Jesus ya'll are rabbits," I mutter to myself but Reaper hears me and smirks as he takes a drink of his beer. 

"Come on Nova I'll show you around." I drag the girls with me as Sam shows us around the building. She shows us the living room, kitchen, and playground outside. She tells me that the old ladies, the wives, and girlfriends of the members, mostly hang out in the kitchen and living room. 

She gave me a basic rundown of the club's policies. Due to me not being a member or having a relationship with a member besides her, I'm not allowed to know about any so-called club business. 

We stopped outside and I let the girls play around while me and Sam caught up. 

"So your what they call an Old Lady." We sit down on the back steps. 

"Yeah, sounds bad but it's the dearest endearment for bikers."

"So does that make him your old man?" I smirk as I watch the girls go down the slide.  

"Kinda but don't tell him that he hates being called old." She comes in closer to me to tell me like it's a secret. We both laugh until screaming fills the air. I look over to see Mina holding her hand and screaming bloody murder. 

I run over to her and hold her hand. 

"What's wrong baby?" I wipe her tears looking for an injury on her hand. She only cries and holds her hand closer to her. 

"Shh, it's okay baby where does it hurt?" I wipe her tears away and she points to her palm. I bring it closer to me and I see a bee's stringer in her hand. 

"Shit. Breathe baby, you're okay."

"What's wrong?" Sam asks me. 

"She just stung by a bee. Do you have a first aid kit?" She nods and grabs Luna's hand. 

"Luna baby, did you get stung too?" I worry over Luna a bit more than what most would seem necessary but to be fair she has an allergy to bees. 

"No mommy." 

"Good, come on let's get inside." Sam leads us to the kitchen and we find that every guy in the room is staring at us. I mean Sam is ushering us inside and I'm holding a red face crying child in my arms. 

Sam takes us to the kitchen.

"Luna honey how bout you sit at the table, while mommy helps Mina."

I sit Mina on the counter and wipe her tears with my hands. 

"Calm down Mina." Sam hands me a warm cloth and gets the first aid kit from a cupboard. 

"Here you go, Nova." She hands me the kit and I open it. I find a pair of tweezers. 

"Hold still baby." I hold her hand in mine and angle the tweezers to get the stinger out. She starts to cry as the tweezers push against it causing mild discomfort for her. 

"What the hell are you torturing the kid about?" Jameson comes in with both his kids and a few of the guys with him. 

"She got stung by a bee," Sma explains as I try to pull the stinger out. 

"Sam, could you go get my purse from the truck? I left it unlocked." I tell her focusing on Mina's hand. I don't hear a reply but I hear her walk out of the kitchen. 

"What's on your hands?" I hear Luna's innocent voice ask someone.

"Tattoos." A gruff voice answers her. 

"What's that?"

"It's like pictures on your skin, little one." A different voice talks to her. 

She gasps, "Mommy!" She yells. 

"Luna, please not right now. I'm trying to help your sister." I finally get the stupid stinger out and place it on a paper towel Sam left me. I bring her over to the sink and run her hand under the water. "Keep it there for a minute Mina." 

"Mommy!" Luna sasses behind me. I turn around to see Luna at the table with Reaper and Bear next to her and a stranger beside them. Jameson is at the entrance with his kid at his feet playing with his pants and boots. 

"What Luna?" 

"You said I can't color my skin. Why can they?" She points to the three guys around her. 

"Because they are grown-ups and you are not."

"Stupid." She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts in her seat. 

"Mommy I'm done." I turn back to Mina to find her playing with the water. I dry her hand off and place a band-aid on it. 

"I want a princess one." She whines. 

"I don't have a princess one. You get this one or none."  She pouts and glares at the ground. 

"I got your purse, Nova." Sam walks into the kitchen to see both of my kids pouting. 

"Thank you." I grab MIna off the counter and bring her next to Luna. I bend down to look at both of them. "You both need to listen to me well. I don't want either of you two going outside without me or my permission." They both nod. 

"Can I ask why?" Sam asks from behind me. 

"If there are bees outside then Luna can't be outside without supervision. It would be unfair that Mian could go out but not Luna." I explain to her. 

"Why can't she go outside?" The unnamed guy asks me. 

"Luna's allergic to bees. Her EpiPen is in my purse." I explain and they nod. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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