Chapter 6: Nate

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TW: I have no fucking clue but this chapter hurt to write.

Chapter 6

I had only slept for a couple hours when I woke up, sweating and tired with my mouth dry and stomach crying from hunger.

From outside, a dim light was seeping through the curtains slightly illuminating the room. Somehow, Keith's body was glowing, every muscle and crevice getting highlighted by the early morning shine.

I felt myself scowl as I watched him and the longer I did, the angrier I got. Keith looked so calm, so normal, so at peace sleeping like this. It almost felt like he wasn't a crazy person who used to hurt people and was almost imprisoned for it.

Biting the insides of my cheek, I struggled to stop myself from trying to suffocate him with a pillow. I took one quick look around the room– fully ignoring Keith's presence– before deciding to look for something that could fill me up.

My stomach growled another time as I thought of food. Salivating, I got off the bed and very carefully headed to the door.

Any thoughts of escaping were immediately thrown off the drain as I closed the door behind me knowing that wherever I went, Keith was just gonna come and get me like an owner to a missing pet dog.

Instead of escaping at every chance I get, I decided to take things slow and plan out a proper plan that could one hundred percent get me out of this situation.

The floors creaked underneath my bare feet as I padded through the hallway. I still wasn't quite used to the architecture of the house and what led where but because of pure determination I was able to find the stairs in less than an hour.

My stomach had grumbled more than I could count. When I finally arrived at the first floor, I was greeted with yet another problem: Where the heck was the kitchen?

Looking around, all I saw were four openings that led to who knows where. I bit the insides of my cheek in frustration before randomly picking a doorway.

Once again, I was greeted by an endless hallway with white floral patterns on the wall, although, unlike the second floor, the lights were much brighter and actually provided me some help as I passed through.

It took about twenty minutes of mindlessly walking around before I ended up in the same place I was in before and instead of walking out the same doorway, I emerged from the fourth.

My mind was incredibly confused at the structure of the house, my head spinning as I tried to figure out how I ended up here but as my stomach grumbled for the nth time, I decided to randomly pick another hole in the wall.

Unlike my last choices I was finally, fortunately able to get to the dining room. My stomach was literally doing flips inside me as the sight of a long wooden table surrounded by eight intricately carved chairs greeted my eyes. Antique looking plates and silverware were even displayed on glass cases that were neatly situated at one corner of the room.

To my left was another door that had bright lights seeping through the hinges. I could smell something cooking from inside and even though I couldn't figure out what it was, I subconsciously walked towards the mysterious room.

Pushing the door open, I couldn't help but release a weird sound from the back of my throat as I caught sight of Elijah getting pushed back against a wall by the frail looking Christopher.

The latter's hands were wrapped tightly on Elijah's wrist, pinning him to the wall. Christopher's lips and tongue were happily exploring the entirety of Elijah's naked torso while the big, muscular man bit his lips to stop himself from moaning.

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