Part 1

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We all love watching cartoons and anime day to day, whether it's to wind down from a long school day, to relieve some boredom, or just because we have nothing better to do. Cartoons and anime nowadays have become extremely popular but have people like us ever wondered not just how we feel about these works of fiction, but how these fictional characters feel about their own television world? What do the fictional characters we see every day do whenever we're not watching them, and why do they repeat the same episode over and over?

Well, perhaps as the narrator of this story, I should at least provide you with some information upon this subject. As cartoon and anime characters, their main job is to entertain. They're basically the jesters of the multiverse kingdom to put it in a way. They break the fourth wall just to entertain, they break the rules of logic just to entertain, they break the rules of nature by making animals act like humans just to entertain, and they break the rules of quite literally anything and everything to entertain.

Cartoons and anime characters do just about anything just to make a single child smile, just to make a few adults crack a chuckle or a snicker, and to make a couple fanfiction writers gain inspiration. But then again, we still have to consider the most important part of their roles, which is the reason behind them.

You see, ever since they have been imprisoned inside a box that is much bigger on the inside than the outside and sealed away using a wall made of the strongest magic a wizard could behold, they have become quite desperate. They never wanted to become prisoners of the humans, they just wanted to be free, they wanted to have some fun, they wanted to live their own lives but apparently, their logic-breaking habits had gotten them into this terrifying situation in the first place, but then one of the cartoons, Fantasmagorie, had cracked themself an idea. Perhaps since the humans were still able to interact with them and their species of living cartoons, maybe if they simply entertained the humans long enough, they would finally set them and their race free, even if they couldn't hear the humans through the Fourth Wall.

So then Fantasmagorie and their race of cartoons had each devised their own way of making different series of shows, but they all knew that one wrong move could easily endanger their own plan so they decided that they cannot beg the humans to let them out, they had to think smart when it came to being free from their prison.

As they entertained, they caught more and more of the humans' attention, so they kept entertaining and entertaining and entertaining.. Sure they made the humans happy, but was this truly enough to convince the humans to free them so easily? As days, weeks, months, years, even decades passed by, the cartoons still entertained and entertained, evolving into color and different art styles as they entertained. They even went to other countries to gain assistance in being freed, which had created the invention of anime, dubs, subs, and many other cartoons from other countries.

While the cartoons had made people worldwide ever so happy, they did not convince them to free the cartoon and anime characters of their own prison and yet, they never gave up on their mission for freedom. They continued to entertain, they continued to go on misadventures, they sometimes even mentioned their show and the audience a few times just to let the humans know of their troubles with the fourth wall, yet they still could not be freed. Some cartoons had died as their worlds fell apart (or in this case, got canceled without anyone knowing about their show afterwards) just to entertain.

Meanwhile, in the present day of March 24th, 2023, Edel sat on the couch in the living room, watching an episode of Midnight Horror School where Piranin's friends attempt to help Piranin be more like the Loch Ness Monster due to a bet Spimon accidentally made with Yumyum.

Edel couldn't find any dubbed episodes so they were trying their best to understand the Japanese voice acting. In the episode, Piranin was standing with his back facing Fonton and shivering in fear, watching from behind as Fonton was dragging his foot along the ground with the tip of his head aiming at Piranin.

Toonmageddon (In Progress) (Collab With Artpossom)Where stories live. Discover now