Part 2

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With everyone having fallen asleep, it was now time for Merx to set their plan into motion. Merx shapeshifted back into their normal form and they clapped their claws, transforming all the mirrors in the school into glowing portals like how Piranin summoned them.

"Alrighty boys, "Operation: CN City" is in motion! If you guys work hard enough we'll be done by dinnertime!" Merx commanded as patchwork imps poured out of the portals.

"Okay people, you know the strategy! Grab a soul and no matter what, do not eat or break it. Also, do not harm the bodies, we need both soul and body intact! We have a large amount of transportation we need to do, we need to please our lord!" One imp with a construction hat ordered as he managed his underlings.

Merx walked over and leaned over Piranin's unconscious body and they easily picked him up as if he was a plushie.

"Aren't you going to take Piranin's soul?" Asked a passing imp that was carrying Hikky's body while another one carried his soul.

Merx shook their head with a devious grin.

"No, I have special plans for this one." Merx said as they stepped through a mirror portal and they were right back at their roaming castle.

As Merx wandered inside the castle, multiple imps passed by them carrying multiple souls and some multicolored souls were floating in the air while imps with nets tried to catch them. It would look like a festival of bright lights to a blind eye.

As Merx passed by the souls, they entered another section of the castle where imps were trying to carry the bodies of multiple different cartoon characters and it was a bit hard due to some characters being heavier than others.

Merx passed by three imps that were struggling to carry an unconscious Eduardo and they patted the heads of the imps to give them a boost of magic and strength.

"Get moving." Hissed Merx.

"Thank you Lord Merx!" The imps said as they carried Eduardo's body to the biggest portal in the castle in which multiple bodies were also being thrown in.

Merx approached the final portal, the portal to the real world, with a grin as they held up Piranin like a doll.

"Be careful what you wish for, little fish." Merx cackled as they threw Piranin through the portal.

As Piranin fell, Edel's soulless body was being picked up by two imps that were struggling with how big the nonbinary teen was.

"Come on Patchi, we need to do this or else the lord will shred us!" One imp said as she held Edel's shoulders.

"I'm trying my best, dagnabbit!" Patchi complained as he struggled with lifting Edel's legs.

"Where's Fruitloop? He's supposed to be helping us!"

The female imp, Stitchen, shrugged her shoulders.

"Fruitloop assigned himself to soul duty." She sighed as a commotion came from the kitchen and a multicolored imp with a Fruitloops box on his right horn and a soul in his left hand ran out.

"Guys, check out a cool trick I learned from watching the lord!" Fruitloop said with a giddy smile as the other two sighed with annoyance.

Fruitloop raised his hand with the soul in the sky, which made Stitchen and Patchi get a feeling of fear crawl up their spines.

"Fruitloop, what are you going to do-" But Fruitloop wouldn't let Patchi finish.

"SOULSKETBALL!" Screamed Fruitloop as he slammed the soul onto the ground.

Suddenly, the soul bounced all over the place. It bounced on the walls, onto the ceiling, between an unconscious Jewel Sparkles, Numberblock One, and Trinket Sparkles, and over the unconscious Eduardo. After making all of these stops, the soul finally bounced at Merx's hand that carried Piranin's soul, and the two souls bounced all over the place faster than ever before.

Toonmageddon (In Progress) (Collab With Artpossom)Where stories live. Discover now