Part 3

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"Okay, I'm done." Piranin reminded Edel.

"Why'd you use your own tears, though?" Questioned Edel.

"We kept sliding on the puddles and we couldn't get anywhere. Besides, the tears were the closest to us." Said Piranin.

"You could've just pushed yourself against the wall, and the puddles could've slid you towards the bathroom." Suggested Edel.

Now looking at the wall, Piranin realized that Edel did have a point. He could have pushed himself against the wall instead of slipping and sliding all over the puddles and not getting anywhere. And so, he put his fins onto the wall and pushed, sliding on the puddles towards the bathroom door.

Eventually, Piranin made it to the bathroom where Edel quickly took control and turned the tub on. They hopped in and let out a relieved sigh when they felt the cool water hit their scales. 

"Much better." Sighed Edel.

"Wait.. how close is it to sunrise?" Piranin asked as something clicked in his mind.

Edel would check their phone, but they remembered it was in their room and with them and Piranin already in the tub, their fins would probably be too wet and slippery to check their phone.

"...I don't really know." Admitted Edel.

The two looked out the window near the tub and their eyes widened when they saw the sun starting to peak up and an ancient sense of fear awoke in Piranin as he slipped out of the tub and quickly closed all the blinds in the room, blocking every instance of sunlight.

"Piranin? What was that?" Edel asked as Piranin headed back into the tub. 

"Sunlight. It turns us back into objects and we can't turn back until it's gone. If we get touched, then we can't take me back home and you can't go back to being a human!" Said Piranin.

"What?" Shouted Edel.

(A/N: This chapter ain't done yet so just wait.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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Toonmageddon (In Progress) (Collab With Artpossom)Where stories live. Discover now