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LEXI ROBERTS WAS WATCHING AS CHARLIE HELD SIDNEY TO THE WALL WITH A KNIFE TO HER THROAT. the nine year old girl was shaking, tears falling down her cheeks. they were talking but she couldn't hear them. it was like everything went quiet. she was wondering where jill was, hopefully she was safe and not dead. sidney pushed charlie against a wall and grabbed lexi, running down the hall.

ghostface stabbed sidney before she could make it outside with lexi. lexi screamed as ghostface took the knife out of sidney and cornered her and lexi. the killer reached up to pull off the mask, their face slowly being revealed. tears filled lexis eyes as she stared at her sister.

"jill ?" sidney asked as she held the young girl close to her, jill peered down at lexi and smiled. tears fell down lexis cheeks as she looked up to her sister. no, this was her imagination. jill wasn't the killer. she couldn't be the killer.

"hello, sidney. hello, allie." jill spoke wickedly, lexi closed her eyes and shook her head. "surprised ? watch this. this is the part, my dear cousin and sister, the cameras turn off."

jill lifted a camera up from her mask and turned it off. then charlie grabbed sidneys hair, pulling her back as jill grabbed lexi and the two killers walked with the last survivors.

"charlie ?" jill asked loudly.

"already taken care of. and i got great footage of my robbie kill. better then jenny, marnie or olivia even." charlie answered, jill seemed satisfied.

"good. we'll cut and upload it later and make it all traceable to trevor." jill told as charlie went to open the pantry.

"speaking of which." charlie threw trevor out of the pantry. he was taped up and dressed exactly like neil prescott. "remind you of anything ?"

"jill, please." trevor begged, lexi sobbed quietly.

"shut up !" jill shouted, making lexi scared.

"everything ive learned, ive learned from you." charlie looked to sidney, lexi grabbed onto sidneys hand, holding it tightly.

"you think you had a shitty boyfriend, sidney ? here's one that fucks you, dumps you and doesn't even make you famous." jill told as she took off the costume then kicked trevor.

"what the fuck, jill, i loved you !" trevor yelled, which caused lexi to cry more.

"shut the fuck up already !" jill screamed, kicking him once again and again.

"im sure the cops want you to have this, jill." charlie handed jill the gun. "for your protection."

"no, no." sidney muttered trying to go forward but jill pointed the knife at her. jill shook her head. trevor just continued begging jill to let him go.

"shouldn't of killed all those people, trev. and then recording it on video even. but it means a lot that you did it for me." jill smiled at her ex boyfriend.

"what the fuck are you talking about ?" trevor asked, he didn't kill them, charlie and jill did.

"i am not the girl you cheated on." jill told loudly before shooting him where the sun don't shine. lexi sobbed. trevor screamed in pain.

"ive gone through everything, we are definitely good on time." charlie interrupted, jill glanced at him.

"oh, yeah. we're perfect." jill spoke as she raised the gun to trevors head and shot him. his blood and brains splattered on the floor.

"that should keep it quiet." charlie remarked as jill looked to sidney.

"ready for act three ?" jill asked.

"have you figured it out yet, sidney ? keeping with the remake theme, trevors this generations billy loomis and we're the innocent victims. sidney and randy. oh, and lexi as tatum just the one who survived." charlie explained, lexi looked up at charlie, tatum dies. so does that mean she will too ?

"see, for you, the world just heard about what happened, but with us, they're gonna see it. it's gonna be a world wide sensation, and people gotta see this shit, it's not like people read anymore. we're gonna get fame like you never even dreamed of." jill babbled.

"last two teenagers standing, this time randy gets the girl." charlie walked towards jill and kissed her. "you're amazing. you're the perfect victim."

"i was so believable today, wasn't i ? i mean, i told so many lies that i actually started to believe them. i really think that i was born for this, and so is allie." jill told, looking down to lexi, lexi looked up at her as she sobbed quietly. jill smiled.

"how could you do this ?" sidney asked.

"do you know what it was like growing up in this family ? related to you. i mean, all i ever heard was sidney this and sidney that and sidney, sidney, sidney. you were always just so fucking special ! well, now, me and allie are the special ones." jill explained.

"you'll slip up, they always do." sidney spoke, lexi nodded slightly.

"come on, charlie, let's get on with this." jill commanded, jill had charlie wrapped around her finger. he was easy to manipulate. especially since she was pretty and teenage boys are all looking for the same thing, sex. charlie handed her the knife. "you have to be strong and hold still."

"yeah, hold still like billy and stu. come on, babe, get it up." charlie was nervous, he slapped himself a few times. being the killer was easy, but pretending you were a victim and stabbing yourself was hard. he was begging for jill to stab him and she did. right in the fucking heart. "the heart. that's not how we rehearsed this."

"you said it, charlie, billy and stu. trevor and you." sidney interjected, lexi put her head into sidneys side, trying to not see charlie die.

"what the media loves, baby, is a sole survivor. lets ask you know who. trevor was your partner, you, you were the idea man." jill told before she stabbed him once again, the boy fell to his knees then to the floor where he died.

"even your friends ?" sidney asked.

"my friends ? what world are you living in ? i don't need friends. i need fans. don't you get it ? this has never been about killing you, it's about becoming you. i mean, for fucks sake, my own mother had to die, no great loss there, so i could stay true to the original. it's sick, right ? well, sick is the new sane. you had your fifteen minutes, now i want mine ! i mean, what am i supposed to do ? go to college, grad school, work. look around, we all live in public now and we're all on the internet. how do you think people become famous anymore ? you don't have to achieve anything. you just gotta have fucked up shit happen to you. so, you do have to die, sid. those are the rules. new movie, new franchise. there's only room for one lead and lets face it, your glory days are over." jill babbled before she stabbed sidney. "don't tell me you didn't know this day would come."

sidney fell to the floor. lexi stared down at sidney before looking up jill.

"come on, allie. we gotta pretend to be survivors, yeah ?" jill told, lexi shook her head. "fine. have it your way, al."

jill held the knife tightly as she grabbed lexi. lexi tried to fight back by kicking and hitting jill but the teenager wouldn't let go. jill lifted the knife up and put it into lexis stomach, ripping her clothes in the process. then did it another time. lexi was screaming. jill then carefully cut lexis arm in order to not kill her. after that, the nine year old had passed out.

and that is how lexi roberts came to be the final girl of the most violent ghostface massacre in woodsboro.

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