Chapter 1 - To My Love. I Will never Forget you...

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A/N: Sniff... Last part, of Don't wanna Go! I cried... I hope you don't hate me too much, after how I ended the last book, btw, but here is, Chapter 1! Those are three of the five rings, you will get the last two in the next chapters! 

"Get back here you little shit!" Draco exclaimed as he hurried after the now 7 month old baby, crawling fast away from him as he tried to get a diaper on her small behind. Giggling, the baby zoomed away and Draco groaned. He really had to start to remember, closing that door. "Ah ah ah~" Hermiones sing song voice sounded from the hall and Draco knew that one of his favourite witches had caught his daughter. "You, young lady, have a wedding to get ready for. Now let your daddy change your diaper, or I will hex it on myself." She spoke sternly, walking into the room with the naked baby on her arm.

"Thank Merlin, Hermione, she's gonna be the death of me!" Draco whined and Hermione let out a hearty laugh, watching the blonde take his daughter back into his arms. "You look beautiful..." Draco said and smiled at the getup that Hermione wore. "Of course I do. Now get my niece onto the table. I will handle her while you get yourself finished up. It's a big day!" She shrieked and Draco laughed, placing his daughter back on the table and putting the diaper on her. She gurgled and made many very cute sounds while stuffing her hands into her mouth.

"Oh I could just eat you up." Draco said and bent down, kissing his daughter all over her face and blowing raspberries on her stomach. Hermione took some pictures of the two and then sighed. "As cute as the two of you are, you really need to get going, Draco." Sighing, Draco freed his daughter, and she let out some deep breaths after having laughed herself red in the face.


Walking out of the room and closing the door, Draco smiled as he heard Hermione talk to his daughter about the day ahead. Venturing into the guest bedroom, Draco shed himself of his PJ's and hopped into the shower. Blaise, Neville and Ron would be in the room after he finished with his suit and accessories to help him out. It had been a couple of wild months...

Closing his eyes, Draco thought back to the moment where his whole world had crumbled down upon him... Harry laid there, dead on the hard gravel ground. Lily laid asleep beside him, while Draco remained filled with grief, unable to move out of his spot. The sound of people moving around him, was muffled and faraway. The smell of a fire and brick, filled his nose, it was all very un-pleasent. Draco tried to fill his nose with the scent of his love, but it was so hard. He wanted to scream at people to stop and just get out of there, but alas...

He could barely twitch a finger...

A knock, shook Draco out of his thoughts and he sighed deeply. "Mate! You have 5 minutes before I come in there and get you out in all your naked glory! Unless you let me known that you are not dead!" Blaise' voice sounded and Draco let out a sad chuckle. "I'm fine, Blaise! Just zoned out for a sec..." Silence followed and Draco sighed, finishing up his business and drying off, before pulling on his boxers.

Exiting the bathroom, he nodded to Ron, who smirked and nodded right back. "I have to go again in a minute. I was told to give you this..." Ron handed over something and Draco furrowed his brows. "It's from my dad. He wanted you to have it." Draco unwrapped the piece of black silk with green trimmings. His eyes widened at the sight. "Wow..." He breathed and picked it up. It was the pin that belonged to the Malfoy house.

According to his father, whom Draco had not spoken to himself, but Remus and Arthur had on his behalf, he was to get nothing from the Malfoy vaults. Luckily it was not his fathers decision as Draco was the only Malfoy heir, and the only one not in Azkaban due to the accounts of what had happened during the war. It was not released to the public, of course, but none the less, he was pardoned and his father had 'disowned' him, which was redrawn by his mother.

But he had not in his wildest imaginations, pictured that Arthur would go to the vault that he had denied to ever enter, and retrieved the perfect gift... The Malfoy name was forever tarnished over as being Death eaters, also why Lily had Harry's last name instead of his. But it meant something to his heart, to have a part of home with him on this day.

"Thank you, Ron... And please, tell Arthur and Molly thanks as well..." Ron winked with a smirk and then left, Pansy entering in his spot. "Oh dear! We cannot have that! Oh your hair! DRACO! How come you only left me with 30 minutes?!" She gasped in horror, while the three men all laughed at her expense.

While they all worked on him, cutting his hair, a subtle bit of make-up to settle Pansy's itch as well as accessories, it was time for the clothes. Draco stared at himself in the mirror and twitched with nervous energy. Pansy let out a small sob, making Draco send her a raised brow. "Oh you look... So handsome..." She cried and quickly waved her hands in front of her eyes. "My make-up! It can't be ruined!" She gasped and Draco chuckled. "Just use Magic you stupid girl." He said and she nodded, letting the tears fall. "You're right! Of course you are! It's just! Oh you have gotten so far these last 7 months..." Draco turned back to the mirror, zoning out once more and sighing.

Rain fell and everything seemed to slow down. Draco lifted his head from the dirty and torn shirt of his mate, looking over at his face. Draco slowly and painfully so, moved his hand from where it had laid on Harry's stomach, up to his face and caressed the grey skin, those blue lips showing how cold the boy actually was.

Draco sniffled and with a groan, he scooted up to be closer to Harry, being mindful of the little girl lying to his side, suckling on the air. 'She's hungry...' A voice whispered within his mind, but he couldn't do anything in that moment. "It's okay..." He whispered brokenly and then gulped. The rain was falling harder now, and he felt his wings erupting from his back, wincing a tiny bit at the pain.

"You can go... It's okay... I won't be mad..." Tears fell harder. No. He wouldn't be mad, but it wasn't okay. Not in the slightest bit, was it okay. "I'll take care of her..." His voice broke, but he told the truth. A blackened wing with white tips on every individual feather, moved over the baby in order to protect her, the other one moving to cover Harry. "I love you..." Leaning down, he left a soft kiss on Harry's blue lips, forehead against his, a sob racking through his body once more.

"Dray. You ready?" Pansy asked, she had fixed up her make-up and had turned back to Draco, watching him stare into the mirror with a longing look in his grey-blue eyes. Draco hummed and turned to her, smiling at the sight of the woman, confused by the lack of Neville and Blaise. "They went ahead. Come on, we don't want to be late." Draco chuckled and nodded.

Grasping her hand, he left the room, closing the door softly after them. "It's weird to think about, that just 5 months ago, you and I were on our hands an knees, painting this..." Pansy smiled, running her hands along the posy coloured walls with basil green lines on the top and bottom. "Yeah... It was a great escape from everything." Draco chuckled and Pansy sighed, wrapping her arm around Draco's middle, descending the stairs to the ground floor. "I can't believe it's finally happening..." Snaking his arm around her shoulders, Draco hummed and looked at the many flowers lining the halls and the moss green carpet, slithering along the floor, all the way down.

Walking out of the garden door, from the kitchen to the outside, white chairs lined the grass, flowers and other decorations all over the place. Draco turned to Pansy and smiled, giving her a peck on the cheek as he went to stand in the front, Pansy moving stand behind him, grabbing her bouquet from Luna, who gave her a kind smile.

Behind Draco stood; Blaise, Theodore Nott, Luna and Pansy. On the other side stood; Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville. Molly sat with Lily in her lap, waving the young girls hand up to her father, who happily waved back with a wink. Then the music began and everyone stood up, the talking stopping instantly. Draco cleared his throat and looked to the kitchen doors, his heart up in his throat. He had been waiting for this moment for almost a year now...

While the rain pounded down onto his back and the feathers grew heavy from the water. His lips lingered on Harry's, before breaking away, eyes remaining closed as he laid his forehead onto Harry's chest, right where his heart was supposed to be beating. Sobbing as the rain seemed to only get worse. The weight was almost to much for his already heavy wings and he swore that they would buckle under, which terrified him; until the rain suddenly seemed to stop.

Draco furrowed his brows and opened his eyes. Sniffling, he slowly raised his head, only to bump it into something large and soft. The sound of the water hitting the ground rushed to his ears as everything seemed to go back to its normal pace once more. But the running had halted. Looking at what had restrained him from lifting his head, Draco's eyes widened. A pair of pearly white wings had wrapped themselves around him, his daughter and Harry.

As the door opened, two bright emerald coloured eyes met Draco's greyish-blue ones. A bush of curly raven hair sat atop his head, neatly cut and styled, like the way it had been done so many months ago by a stylist in Diagon ally. Piercings lining his ears and a few shone on his face. A pair of thin golden round glasses, balanced on his cute small nose.

"Hi..." Draco whispered as they now stood in front of one another. "Hello..." The other said and Draco smiled.

Everyone now sat and Severus cleared his throat, being the 'priest' in this situation. Hermione giggled, the man had been ritualistically studying for this moment.

"Do you. Draco Malfoy, take thé, Harry Potter, to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, for better and for worse. Until death do you part?" He asked and Draco smiled brightly. "I do."

"Do you. Harry Potter, take thé, Draco Malfoy, to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, for better and for worse. Until death do you part?" Harry smiled and squeezed Draco's hand lovingly. "I do..."

"I now pronounce you, Husband and Husband. You may kiss." Severus took a fast step back as Harry and Draco chuckled and shook their heads with proud smiles on their faces. Draco moved his hand to the back of Harry's head and whispered. "I love you most..." Softly and Harry smiled. "Not bloody possible, you git..." And their lips met, to a tender kiss, the crowd erupting with cheers.

A/N: Y'all didn't really think, I could kill off, my precious Harry! Now did you?! Nah mate! I wanted them married! Oh, and Lily is like, just, so cute! Anyways, get ready for this book, because I have no idea where this is going... ~Author Cupcake <3!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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