Desi's pov
I woke up the next morning to see Mollie on top of Mac. I was like Mollie get off of him so I got up while Mac was still asleep, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I was like come on Mollie; Mollie didn't come she wanted to stay with Daddy. I picked her up and said I'll let you lay with Daddy after I take you potty okay I said to her. Mollie wagged her tail happily so I walked away from the bedroom with Mollie. I went outside and took Mollie out. After that I took her back to Mac then went to the Kitchen to start making breakfast. I made Mollie some eggs and I made Mac and I some bacon and toast. I got the Bacon all done I got a paper towel and a plate and plated it; then put it aside then went to make the eggs that was until I heard footsteps. I saw Mollie and Mac hey sleepy head I said hey Mac said. When do you wake up? I ask. A couple of mins ago Mac saids. Breakfast will be ready soon and don't worry Mollie I got some eggs for you Desi says. Mac grabs some plates, he sets the table. I plated Me and Mac's breakfast then I went to Mollie's food dish then put the eggs in her food dish the eggs were hot so I left her food where it was. Mac and I sat down to eat. I was gonna give Mollie her eggs once they cooled off. I looked at Mac and he said Bozer was coming over to see Mollie. Okay, I said any idea when I ask. No idea Mac said. Mollie starts to bark Mollie Hush Desi says. Mollie come here Mac says she comes over. Whatcha barking at Mac asks her. Desi gets up to see what Mollie was barking at. What's she barking at? Mac asks. Her food dish Desi replies oh Mac says; Desi goes to check it and there cool enough so Desi grabbed Molly's food dish; come on Desi says. Mollie follows her Desi sets Mollie's Food down. There you go I hope you hungry Desi says, Mollie starts to eat there you go eat slowly Desi says. She walks back to the table. What's she eating? Mac asks, I made her eggs Desi replies oh Mac says; yeah Desi says. They finish eating Breakfast Desi was doing the dishes and Mac was on the phone with Bozer. Mac goes walking back over to Desi he'll be here around 3 Mac says. Okay I said it's only 9:30 so we got some time Desi says yep Mac says. Mollie you wanna go for a walk? Desi asks. Mollie wags her tail happily okay let me finish the dishes then we can go, Desi says; take your time Mac says Mollie and I are ready whenever your ready Mac says Desi smiles. Mac walks away and Mollie follows him Mac relaxes on the bed, Mollie jumps up on the bed to join Mac. Hi girl Mac says petting Mollie. We continued to lay here till Desi walked in and said that she was done, and we left to go on our walk. We got back and waited for Bozer to show up till we heard a knock. Mac, my man Bozer says Hey Boz come on in Mac said. Bozer walks in Desi Bozer says what's up Boz Desi says. Where's Mollie I got her a ball I hope she likes it Bozer says; I'll take that thank you Desi says. She takes the ball from Bozer Mollie come here, girl Mac says calling her. Mollie shows up she runs away Mollie Desi yells I'll go get her Desi says. Desi walked away to find Mollie. I didn't scare her did I? Bozer asks. No Boz you didn't Mac said Bozer sighed with relief. Desi came back with Mollie. Awe she's so cute Bozer said hi Mollie Bozer said, Mollie scratched Mac's hand. Desi sat Mollie down go say hi Desi said to Mollie. Mollie walked over to Bozer Desi and Mac were watching her. Mollie licked Bozer's hand hi Bozer said petting Mollie she likes you, Boz, Mac said Bozer smiles. I like you too Mollie Bozer says. Shortly after Bozer left Mac and Desi had dinner; after dinner Mac disappeared into the closet and then came out shirtless, Mac joined Mollie and Desi in bed. Night saids Desi night saids Mac. Mollie barked good night girl Mac said. Mollie was out, so was Desi, so was Mac

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