Warriors Super EdiNs: Ranked

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Here are the Warriors Super Editions, ranked, with a few of my thoughts. I haven't read Tallstar's Revenge or Bramblestar's Storm, but otherwise this is all of them.

1. Leopardstar's Honor: This is my favorite one, I love the relationship with her dad, I think RiverClan is interesting, and this book paints a nice picture of a complex character. Her whole thing for Frogleap, though... Idk it gives me repressed lesbian vibes because it feels more like he's her friend and yeah... it's a weird vibe.

2. Bluestar's Prphecy: I like this one because (a) I love Bluestar, (b) I think it portrays her as a complex character and (c) I like that she actually has friends and relationships with the cats around her. It's very sad though, RIP Mosskit, Moonflower, Snowfur, and the list goes on. I also like the relationship between Bluestar and Oakheart, and I think Goosefeather is interesting.

3. Crookedstar's Promise: I love this book. It's our first glimpse into RiverClan, which I love, and I also like Crookedstar in general. It's another of the sad ones, but I enjoy Mapleshade's role in all of it. I also think his relationships with Willowbreeze and Oakheart are cute.

4. SkyClan's Destiny: I love this because I love SkyClan. I also love Leafstar. I don't like the whole thing with mates though, like just because she has a mate and kits doesn't mean she has to temporarily retire. I just feel like the way she thinks about it is not my fav. Also her feelings for Billystorm seemed to come out of nowhere, is that just me? Overall I liked it a lot though.

5. Onestar's Confession: This super edition was a surprisingly enjoyable read. I was expecting it to be a flop, but then it wasn't. It wasn't amazing, but it was still good. I feel like Onestar really got humanized in this book. I hated him before I read this, and while he still isn't my favorite, I feel like I hated him less afterward.

6. Hawkwing's Journey: This book
is very good. I love seeing SkyClan struggle to follow StarClan. I love seeing all the new SkyClan members, and seeing all these loyal cats slowly splinter apart and cling to what they have. I love to see the doubts and fears and trials that spring up. I love to see the loss and the happiness and the desperation and all of it. However, I do not like Hawkwing. I just feel like, he's just so dumb, and he's kinda super rash, and he does mature over time, but he does not deserve Pebbleshine. Also her disappearance was very sad.

7. Firestar's Quest: This book was... okay. I love seeing the formation of SkyClan and meeting the new cats, but everything else is very mediocre. Also Spottedleaf's role in the book brings it down quite a lot.

8. Crowfeather's Trial: This book was also at a solid okay. I enjoyed seeing Crowfeather make up with his son a bit, but the overall book felt a little bit slow and unnecessary, and I feel like it just kinda dragged along a lot. Crowfeather's POV was interesting though, there just wasn't a lot of plot.

9. Moth Flight's Vision: This book... is interesting. I liked more DotC, and the formation of the med cats was interesting. Her relationship with Micah, though... I was not a fan. That's not to say I didn't like Micah — I did. And their relationship did have some high points. But I just didn't like the things it did to her character. He became, like, the focus of her thoughts a little bit, once she'd completed her original mission. I also didn't like her character a lot to begin with.

10. Yellowfang's Secret: It's been a long time since I read this all the way through, so I don't have much to say. I feel like it drags for a bit in between major plot points.

11. Squirrelfliaght's Hope: This is the first book that I truly dislike. I hate her relationship with Bramblestar, it's like she's so desperate to please him, which I hate. It was just very toxic, and she didn't even seem to realize it a lot.

12. Graystripe's Vow: This super edition was pointless. There was no point. BloodClan's return was interesting, and the fake Clan in the Twolegplace was kinda fun but otherwise, it was pointless.

13. Tigerheart's Shadow: This book was dumb. I personally don't like Tiger x Dove, so that was a point against it. I also felt like the whole thing was just kinda pointless, and it was, like, a traveling book. It was just... no.

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