My Gay Headcannons

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Note: These are headcannons. Please be respectful even if you don't agree.

Bisexual Leafpool: First off, she was definitely in love with Crowfeather. Second, some of her friendships felt awfully romantic, namely Mothwing and Sorreltail. I know some people say she had a thing for Cody but I don't quite see it.

Lesbian Leopardstar: She has alllllll the vibes. And her attraction to Frogleap felt so fake, even in her book. Compulsotory heterosexuality for sure.

Gay Bayshine: He could be bi too. But anyway, his reactions to Nightheart leaving and coming back felt more crushlike than friendlike.

Lesbian Mothwing: Some say she's bi but I feel like she's that one lesbian who just doesn't care about men whatsoever, like no hate, no love, just doesn't care. And of course, she's in love with Leafpool.

Bisexual Hollyleaf: I don't ship her and Cinderheart, but she and Willowshine, I mean, come on, it's just so cute. Yeah there's not a lot of development or anything, but still. And also, I feel like Holly x Fallen Leaves is a solid ship.

Lesbian Rosetail: She is totally in love with Bluestar.

This list could go on forever, but those are my favorites. Thoughts?

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